You could control the spacing among children of the box control. For example, the following example puts 5em at both the upper margin and the lower margin. Notice: the total space between two input fields is 10em.
<vbox spacing="5em"> <textbox/> <datebox/> </vbox>
Another example illustrated an interesting layout by use of zero spacing.
<window title="Box Layout Demo" border="normal"> <hbox spacing="0"> <window border="normal">0</window> <vbox spacing="0"> <hbox spacing="0"> <window border="normal">1</window> <window border="normal">2</window> <vbox spacing="0"> <window border="normal">3</window> <window border="normal">4</window> </vbox> </hbox> <hbox spacing="0"> <vbox spacing="0"> <window border="normal">5</window> <window border="normal">6</window> </vbox> <window border="normal">7</window> <window border="normal">8</window> <window border="normal">9</window> </hbox> </vbox> </hbox> </window>