List Boxes Contain Buttons

In theory, a list cell could contain any other components, as depicted below.

<listbox width="250px">
        <listheader label="Population"/>        
        <listheader label="Percentage"/>        
    <listitem value="A">    
        <listcell><textbox value="A. Graduate"/></listcell>        
        <listcell label="20%"/>        
    <listitem value="B">    
        <listcell><checkbox label="B. College"/></listcell>        
        <listcell><button label="23%"/></listcell>        
    <listitem value="C">    
        <listcell label="C. High School"/>        
        <listcell><textbox cols="8" value="40%"/></listcell>        


  1. Don't use a list box, when a grid is a better choice. The appearances of list boxes and grids are similar, but the list box shall be used only to represent a list of selectable items.

  2. Users are usually confused if a list box contains editable components, such as textbox and checkbox. A common question is what the text, that a user entered in a unselected item, means.

  3. Due to the limitation of the browsers, users cannot select a piece of characters from the text boxes.