The taglib Directive

<?tablib uri="myURI" prefix="my"?>

This directive is used to load a taglib file, which defines a set of EL functions. The format of a taglib file is the same as that of JSP taglib files.

In the following example, we loads functions defined in the built-in TLD files identified as and then use one of these function called l.

<?taglib uri="" prefix="c"?>
<window title="${c:l('my.title')}">

Tip: ZK searches all TLD files defined in the /metainfo/tld/config.xml file from the classpath. If you want ZK to load your custom TLD files, add them to class path and then specify the following content in the /metainfo/tld/config.xml file. <taglib><taglib-uri></taglib-uri><taglib-location>/the/path/of/your/tld/file</taglib-location></taglib>

If you to load a TLD file from your Web application, you can specify the path as follows.

<?taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/my.tld" prefix="my"?>


[Required][EL is not allowed]

A URL of the taglib file. Unlike other URL and URI, it doesn't interpret ~ or * specially. And, the page and the taglib files it references must be in the same Web application.



A prefix used to identify functions defined in this taglib file. The prefix could be any non-empty string.