The variable-resolver Directive

<?variable-resolver class="..." [arg0="..."] [arg1="..."] [arg2="..."] [arg3="..."]?>

Specifies the variable resolver that will be used by the zscript interpreter to resolve unknown variables. The specified class must implement the org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver interface.

You can specify multiple variable resolvers with multiple variable-resolver directives. The later declared one has higher priority.

Notice that the variable-resolver directives are evaluated before the init directives, so the zscript codes referenced by the init directives are affected by the variable resolver.

The following is an example when using ZK with the Spring framework. It resolves Java Beans declared in the Spring framework, such that you access them directly.

<?variable-resolver class="org.zkoss.zkplus.spring.DelegatingVariableResolver"?>



A class name that must implement the org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver interface. Unlike the init directive, the class name cannot be the class that is defined in zscript codes.

arg0, arg1...


You could specify any number of arguments. If specified, arg0 will be passed as the first argument of the constructor, arg1 as the second argument, and so on. Of course, the implementation must have a compatible constructor. If no argument is specified, the default constructor is assumed.