Appendix B: Zope Directories¶

This is a list of some important directories in the Zope source code.

  • ‘Extensions’ – Code for External Methods go in this directory.
  • ‘ZServer’ – Python code for ZServer and Medusa.
  • ‘ZServer/medusa’ – Sam Rushing’s Medusa package upon which ZServer is built.
  • ‘doc’ – Miscellaneous documentation.
  • ‘import’ – Place Zope export files here in order to import them into Zope.
  • ‘inst’ – Installation scripts.
  • ‘pcgi’ – C and Python code for PCGI.
  • ‘utilities’ – Miscellaneous utilities.
  • ‘var’ – Contains the ZODB data file (Data.fs) and various other files (logs, pids, etc.) This directory should be owned and writable by the userid that Zope is run as.
  • ‘lib/Components’ – Python extension modules written in C including BTree, ExtensionClass, cPickle, zlib, etc.
  • ‘lib/python’ – Most of the Zope Python code is in here.
  • ‘lib/python/AccessControl’ – Security classes.
  • ‘lib/python/App’ – Zope application classes. Stuff like product registration, and the control panel.
  • ‘lib/python/BTrees’ – Btrees package.
  • ‘lib/python/DateTime’ – DateTime package.
  • ‘lib/python/DocumentTemplate’ – DTML templating package. DTML Document and DTML Method use this.
  • ‘lib/python/HelpSys’ – Online help system.
  • ‘lib/python/Interface’ – Scarecrow interfaces package.
  • ‘lib/python/OFS’ – Object File System code. Includes basic Zope classes (Folder, DTML Document) and interfaces (ObjectManager, SimpleItem).
  • ‘lib/python/Products’ – Zope products are installed here.
  • ‘lib/python/Products/OFSP’ – The OFS product. Contains initialization code for basic Zope objects like Folder and DTML Document.
  • ‘lib/python/RestrictedPython’ – Python security used by DTML and Python Scripts.
  • ‘lib/python/SearchIndex’ – Indexes used by ZCatalog.
  • ‘lib/python/Shared’ – Shared code for use by multiple Products.
  • ‘lib/python/StructuredText’ – Structured Text package.
  • ‘lib/python/TreeDisplay’ – Tree tag package.
  • ‘lib/python/ZClasses’ – ZClasses package.
  • ‘lib/python/ZLogger’ – Logging package.
  • ‘lib/python/ZODB’ – ZODB package.
  • ‘lib/python/ZPublisher’ – The Zope ORB.
  • ‘lib/python/Zope’ – The Zope package published by ZPublisher.
  • ‘lib/python/webDAV’ – WebDAV support classes and interfaces.

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