Odoo connector

FrePPLe provides an integration with the Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP), a leading open source ERP.

The connector provides the following functionality:

  • Two-way integration.
    The connector retrieves all master data required for planning from Odoo.
    The connector publishes the resulting plan back to Odoo, either a) automatically at the end of the planning run or b) after manual review and approval by the planner.
  • Live data integration.
    The connector reads the data directly from Odoo and writes the results back. Compared to replicating data to its own database, this provides a more native and tighter integration. It is still possible to save a copy of the odoo in the frePPLe database to use the frePPLe user interface.
  • You can still maintain additional data in the frePPLe user interface. I.e. Odoo doesn’t need to be the only source of data for your model.

  • Easy to customize.
    Implemented as an odoo addon module, it is easy to customize the connector to your needs.
  • The integration has been developed and tested with Odoo v8 and v9.

Here are the slides presented during the Odoo user conference in October 2016.


The connector has 2 components:

  • An odoo addon:
    All mapping logic between the Odoo and frePPLe data models is in this module. The results are accessible on the URL http://odoo_host/frepple/xml from which the planning engine will read data in its native XML data format and to which it will post the results.
  • A frePPLe addon:
    This module gives frePPLe the capability to connect to Odoo, read the data from it, and publish back the results.

Configuring the connector

  • Install the Odoo addon
    The addon code is found in the folder contrib/odoo, or you can pick up the latest version from github https://github.com/frePPLe/frePPLe/tree/master/contrib/odoo.
    A different version is required for each version of Odoo.

    The module has the following dependencies: ‘procurement’, ‘product’, ‘purchase’, ‘sale’, ‘resource’, ‘mrp’, ‘sales_order_date’, and (optional) ‘hr’.

    After installation, you’ll find the following additional features in odoo:

    • A web interface called by the frePPLe planning engine. It is accessible at the URL http://<host>:<port>/frepple/xml?database=<db>&language=<language>&company=<yourcompany>
    • A menu item in the warehouse menu to manually recreate the plan.
    • A scheduler task to recreate the plan as a cron job.
    • Extra configuration options in company editing form, as described below.
  • Deploying in a multi-database odoo environment
    When using the connector in a configuration with multiple databases the addon needs to be loaded as a server wide module. This is achieved by using the option “–load frepple,web,web_kanban” option on the command line starting the server.

    In a setup with only a single odoo database this step is not required.

  • Configure the Odoo addon
    The module adds some configuration fields on the company model.
    Edit these parameters:
    • Calendar:
      References a resource.calendar model that is used to define the working hours.
      If left unspecified, we assume 24*7 availability.
    • Manufacturing location:
      The connector assumes each company has only a single manufacturing location.
      All bills of materials are modelled there.
    • Cmdline:
      Command line launched when the plan generation for a company is launched interactively from the user interface.
      Note that when launched from a scheduler cron job, the command line is configured on the job directly.
  • Edit the frePPLe configuration file djangosettings.py
    The file is found under /etc/frepple (linux) or <install folder>bincustom (Windows).
    Assure that the freppledb.odoo is included in the setting INSTALLED_APPS which defines the enabled extensions. By default it is enabled.
  • Configure the frePPLe parameters:

    • odoo.url: URL of the Odoo server

    • odoo.db: Odoo database to connect to

    • odoo.user: Odoo user for the connection

    • odoo.password: Password for the connection
      For improved security it is recommended to specify this password in the setting ODOO_PASSWORDS in the djangosettings.py file rather then this parameter.
    • odoo.language: Language for the connection.
      If translated names of products, items, locations, etc they will be used.
    • odoo.company: Company name for which to create purchase quotation and manufacturing orders

    • odoo.filter_export_purchase_order: Python filter expression for the automatic export of purchase orders.
      The expression gets as arguments ‘operationplan’ and ‘buffer’, and it should return True if the transaction is to be included in the automated bulk export.
    • odoo.filter_export_manufacturing_order: Python filter expression for the automatic export of manufacturing orders.
      The expression gets as arguments ‘operationplan’ and ‘buffer’, and it should return True if the transaction is to be included in the automated bulk export.
    • odoo.filter_export_distribution_order: Python filter expression for the automatic export of distribution orders.
      The expression gets as arguments ‘operationplan’ and ‘buffer’, and it should return True if the transaction is to be included in the automated bulk export.

Running the connector

You can run the connector in different ways:

  • Interactively from the frePPLe user interface
    The execute screen has checkboxes that allow enabling reading from and writing to Odoo.
    The plan exported to odoo is a subset of the plan which passes certain filter conditions. The remaining part of the plan can only be exported manually from frePPLe to Odoo: see below.
Import from and export to odoo
  • From the command line
    The script is especially handy when you want to regenerate the plan automatically.
    Issue the command below.
    frepplectl frepple_run --env=odoo_read_1,odoo_write
  • Interactively from the Odoo menu
    Make sure the command line on the company you run for is configured correctly.
  • Automatically with the Odoo cron scheduler
    Make sure the command line on the task is configured correctly.
The connector distinguishes different modes to retrieve data from Odoo. This allows us to schedule the extraction of larger and/or slowly changing data volumes (eg sales order history over the last few years as required for the forecast calculation) from the extraction of data elements that need to be retrieved whenever the plan is generated (eg open sales orders, current inventory).
Using the argument odoo_read_1 or odoo_read_2 specific the requested data extraction mode. By default all data elements are extracted in mode 1. It’ll require customization of the Odoo addon to define for which data elements you want to use mode 2.

Incremental export to Odoo

The connector exports plan data in 2 modes from frePPLe back to Odoo.

  • A bulk export is run automatically run when the plan generation is finished. See the previous section.

  • An incremental export from the frePPLe user interface for individual purchase, manufacturing and distribution orders.
    When selecting a sales order for incremental export a popup window is displayed with a list of linked purchase, manufacturing and distribution orders.

A typical usage is to automatically export the proposed purchase for cheap or fast moving items, and let the planner review and approve the proposed plan for expensive or slow moving items.

Exporting individual transactions to odoo Exporting transactions of a sales order to odoo

Mapping details

The connector doesn’t cover all possible configurations of Odoo and frePPLe. The connector is very likely to require some customization to fit the particular setup of the ERP and the planning requirements in frePPLe.

Download mapping documentation as pdf

Download mapping documentation as a spreadsheet

odoo mapping details