Zentyal InfrastructureΒΆ

This section explains several of the services to manage the infrastructure of your local network and optimize internal traffic, including domain management, time synchronization, automatic network configuration, publication of internal Web sites and the management of a certification authority.

The Domain Name System or DNS provides access to services and hosts using names instead of IP addresses, which are easier to memorize.

The Network Time Protocol or NTP keeps the system time synchronized in the different computers of the network.

The DHCP service is widely used to automatically configure different network parameters in machines, such as the IP address, the DNS servers or the gateway to access to the Internet.

The growing importance of ensuring the authenticity, integrity and privacy of communications has increased the interest in the deployment of certification authorities that allow access to various services in a safe way. It allows the configuration of SSL/TLS to securely access to most services and it provides certificates for users authentication.

Moreover, many businesses use Web applications that can be installed on a HTTP server over different domain names or even with HTTPS support.


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