Part VII. Appendixes

Table of Contents

36. The Amanda Manual Pages.
amadmin — administrative interface to control Amanda backups
amaespipe — wrapper program for aespipe
amanda — Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
amanda.conf — Main configuration file for Amanda, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
amanda-client.conf — Client configuration file for Amanda, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
amcheck — run Amanda self-checks
amcheckdb — check Amanda database for tape consistency
amcleanup — run the Amanda cleanup process after a failure
amcrypt — reference crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption
amcrypt-ossl — crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption using OpenSSL
amcrypt-ossl-asym — crypt program for Amanda asymmetric data encryption using OpenSSL
amddAmanda version of dd
amdump — back up all disks in an Amanda configuration
amfetchdump — extract backup images from multiple Amanda tapes.
amflush — flush Amanda backup files from holding disk to tape
amgetconf — look up amanda.conf variables
amlabel — label an Amanda tape
ammtAmanda version of mt
amoverview — display file systems processed by Amanda over time
amplot — visualize the behavior of Amanda
amrecoverAmanda index database browser
amreport — generate a formatted output of statistics for an Amanda run
amrestore — extract backup images from an Amanda tape
amrmtape — remove a tape from the Amanda database
amstatus — display the state of an Amanda run
amtape — user interface to Amanda tape changer controls
amtapetype — generate a tapetype definition.
amtoc — generate TOC (Table Of Contents) for an Amanda run
amverify — check an Amanda tape for errors
amverifyrun — check the tapes written by the last Amanda run
37. Web Ressources