public class


extends EventListenerProxy
implements PropertyChangeListener
   ↳ java.util.EventListenerProxy
     ↳ java.beans.PropertyChangeListenerProxy

Class Overview

The implementation of this listener proxy just delegates the received events to its listener.


Public Constructors
PropertyChangeListenerProxy(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener)
Creates a new listener proxy that associates a listener with a property name.
Public Methods
String getPropertyName()
Returns the name of the property associated with this listener proxy.
void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
The source bean calls this method when an event is raised.
Inherited Methods
From class java.util.EventListenerProxy
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener

Public Constructors

public PropertyChangeListenerProxy (String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener)

Since: API Level 3

Creates a new listener proxy that associates a listener with a property name.

propertyName the name of the associated property.
listener the listener to delegate incoming events to.

Public Methods

public String getPropertyName ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns the name of the property associated with this listener proxy.

  • the name of the associated property.

public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent event)

Since: API Level 3

The source bean calls this method when an event is raised.

event the PropertyChangeEvent object which contains the name and the old and new value of the property that has changed.