public class


extends Object
   ↳ javax.crypto.ExemptionMechanism

Class Overview

This class implements the functionality of an exemption mechanism such as key recovery, key weakening, or key escrow.


Protected Constructors
ExemptionMechanism(ExemptionMechanismSpi exmechSpi, Provider provider, String mechanism)
Creates a ExemptionMechanism instance.
Public Methods
final int genExemptionBlob(byte[] output, int outputOffset)
Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism and stores it into the output buffer at offset outputOffset.
final int genExemptionBlob(byte[] output)
Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism and stores it into the output buffer.
final byte[] genExemptionBlob()
Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism.
final static ExemptionMechanism getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Returns a new ExemptionMechansm instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm from the specified provider.
final static ExemptionMechanism getInstance(String algorithm)
Returns a new ExemptionMechanism instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm.
final static ExemptionMechanism getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Returns a new ExemptionMechanism instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm from the specified provider.
final String getName()
Returns the name of this ExemptionMechanism.
final int getOutputSize(int inputLen)
Returns the size in bytes for the output buffer needed to hold the output of the next genExemptionBlob() call, given the specified inputLen (in bytes).
final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this ExemptionMechanism instance.
final void init(Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec param)
Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.
final void init(Key key)
Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key.
final void init(Key key, AlgorithmParameters param)
Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.
final boolean isCryptoAllowed(Key key)
Returns whether the result blob for this ExemptionMechanism instance has been generated successfully and that the specified key is the same as the one that was used to initialize and generate.
Protected Methods
void finalize()
Frees the references to the key used to initialize this instance.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Protected Constructors

protected ExemptionMechanism (ExemptionMechanismSpi exmechSpi, Provider provider, String mechanism)

Since: API Level 1

Creates a ExemptionMechanism instance.

exmechSpi the implementation delegate.
provider the associated provider.
mechanism the name of the mechanism.

Public Methods

public final int genExemptionBlob (byte[] output, int outputOffset)

Since: API Level 1

Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism and stores it into the output buffer at offset outputOffset.

output the output buffer for the result key blob.
outputOffset the offset in the output buffer to start.
  • the number of bytes written to the output buffer.
IllegalStateException if this ExemptionMechanism instance is not initialized.
ShortBufferException if the provided buffer is too small for the result key blob.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during generation.

public final int genExemptionBlob (byte[] output)

Since: API Level 1

Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism and stores it into the output buffer.

output the output buffer for the result key blob.
  • the number of bytes written to the output buffer.
IllegalStateException if this ExemptionMechanism instance is not initialized.
ShortBufferException if the provided buffer is too small for the result key blob.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during generation.

public final byte[] genExemptionBlob ()

Since: API Level 1

Generates the result key blob for this exemption mechanism.

  • the result key blob for this exemption mechanism.
IllegalStateException if this ExemptionMechanism instance is not initialized.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during generation.

public static final ExemptionMechanism getInstance (String algorithm, String provider)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a new ExemptionMechansm instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm from the specified provider.

algorithm the name of the requested exemption mechanism.
provider the name of the provider that is providing the algorithm.
  • the new ExemptionMechanism instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not provided by the specified provider.
NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider is not available.
NullPointerException if the algorithm parameter is null.
IllegalArgumentException if the provider parameter is null.

public static final ExemptionMechanism getInstance (String algorithm)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a new ExemptionMechanism instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm.

algorithm the name of the requested exemption mechanism.
  • the new ExemptionMechanism instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not available by any provider.
NullPointerException if the algorithm parameter is null.

public static final ExemptionMechanism getInstance (String algorithm, Provider provider)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a new ExemptionMechanism instance that provides the specified exemption mechanism algorithm from the specified provider.

algorithm the name of the requested exemption mechanism.
provider the provider that is providing the algorithm.
  • the new ExemptionMechanism instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not provided by the specified provider.
NullPointerException if the algorithm parameter is null.
IllegalArgumentException if the provider parameter is null.

public final String getName ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns the name of this ExemptionMechanism.

  • the name of this ExemptionMechanism.

public final int getOutputSize (int inputLen)

Since: API Level 1

Returns the size in bytes for the output buffer needed to hold the output of the next genExemptionBlob() call, given the specified inputLen (in bytes).

inputLen the specified input length (in bytes).
  • the size in bytes for the output buffer.
IllegalStateException if this ExemptionMechanism instance is not initialized.

public final Provider getProvider ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns the provider of this ExemptionMechanism instance.

  • the provider of this ExemptionMechanism instance.

public final void init (Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec param)

Since: API Level 1

Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.

key the key to initialize this instance with.
param the parameters for this exemption mechanism algorithm.
InvalidKeyException if the key cannot be used to initialize this mechanism.
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException the the parameters cannot be used to initialize this mechanism.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during initialization.

public final void init (Key key)

Since: API Level 1

Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key.

key the key to initialize this instance with.
InvalidKeyException if the key cannot be used to initialize this mechanism.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during initialization.

public final void init (Key key, AlgorithmParameters param)

Since: API Level 1

Initializes this ExemptionMechanism instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.

key the key to initialize this instance with.
param the parameters for this exemption mechanism algorithm.
InvalidKeyException if the key cannot be used to initialize this mechanism.
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the parameters cannot be used to initialize this mechanism.
ExemptionMechanismException if error(s) occur during initialization.

public final boolean isCryptoAllowed (Key key)

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether the result blob for this ExemptionMechanism instance has been generated successfully and that the specified key is the same as the one that was used to initialize and generate.

key the key to verify.
  • whether the result blob for this ExemptionMechanism instance has been generated successfully.
ExemptionMechanismException if an error occurs while determining whether the result blob has been generated successfully.

Protected Methods

protected void finalize ()

Since: API Level 1

Frees the references to the key used to initialize this instance.