public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.http.protocol.HttpDateGenerator

Class Overview

Generates a date in the format required by the HTTP protocol.


TimeZone GMT The time zone to use in the date header.
String PATTERN_RFC1123 Date format pattern used to generate the header in RFC 1123 format.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
synchronized String getCurrentDate()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final TimeZone GMT

Since: API Level 1

The time zone to use in the date header.

public static final String PATTERN_RFC1123

Since: API Level 1

Date format pattern used to generate the header in RFC 1123 format.

Constant Value: "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"

Public Constructors

public HttpDateGenerator ()

Since: API Level 1

Public Methods

public synchronized String getCurrentDate ()

Since: API Level 1