AbstractInterruptibleChannel |
AbstractInterruptibleChannel is the root class for interruptible
channels. |
AbstractSelectableChannel |
AbstractSelectableChannel is the base implementation class for
selectable channels. |
AssetFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream |
An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescritor.close() for you when the stream is closed. |
AssetFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream |
An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescritor.close() for you when the stream is closed. |
AssetManager.AssetInputStream |
BackupDataInputStream |
Provides an InputStream -like interface for accessing an
entity's data during a restore operation. |
Base64InputStream |
An InputStream that does Base64 decoding on the data read through
it. |
Base64OutputStream |
An OutputStream that does Base64 encoding on the data written to
it, writing the resulting data to another OutputStream. |
BluetoothServerSocket |
A listening Bluetooth socket. |
BluetoothSocket |
A connected or connecting Bluetooth socket. |
BufferedInputStream |
Wraps an existing InputStream and buffers the input. |
BufferedOutputStream |
Wraps an existing OutputStream and buffers the output. |
BufferedReader |
Wraps an existing Reader and buffers the input. |
BufferedWriter |
Wraps an existing Writer and buffers the output. |
ByteArrayInputStream |
A specialized InputStream for reading the contents of a byte array. |
ByteArrayOutputStream |
A specialized OutputStream for class for writing content to an
(internal) byte array. |
ByteChannel |
A ByteChannel is both readable and writable. |
Channel |
A channel is a conduit to I/O services covering such items as files, sockets,
hardware devices, I/O ports or some software component. |
CharArrayReader |
A specialized Reader for reading the contents of a char array. |
CharArrayWriter |
A specialized Writer for class for writing content to an (internal)
char array. |
CheckedInputStream |
The CheckedInputStream class is used to maintain a checksum at the
same time as the data, on which the checksum is computed, is read from a
stream. |
CheckedOutputStream |
The CheckedOutputStream class is used to maintain a running checksum
of all data written to a stream. |
ChunkedInputStream |
Implements chunked transfer coding. |
ChunkedOutputStream |
Implements chunked transfer coding. |
CipherInputStream |
This class wraps an InputStream and a cipher so that read()
methods return data that are read from the underlying InputStream and
processed by the cipher. |
CipherOutputStream |
This class wraps an output stream and a cipher so that write methods
send the data through the cipher before writing them to the underlying output
stream. |
ContentLengthInputStream |
Stream that cuts off after a specified number of bytes. |
ContentLengthOutputStream |
A stream wrapper that closes itself after a defined number of bytes. |
DataInputStream |
Wraps an existing InputStream and reads typed data from it. |
DataOutputStream |
Wraps an existing OutputStream and writes typed data to it. |
DatagramChannel |
A DatagramChannel is a selectable channel that represents a partial
abstraction of a datagram socket. |
DeflaterOutputStream |
This class provides an implementation of FilterOutputStream that
compresses data using the DEFLATE algorithm. |
DigestInputStream |
DigestInputStream is a FilterInputStream which maintains an
associated message digest. |
DigestOutputStream |
DigestOutputStream is a FilterOutputStream which maintains an
associated message digest. |
EofSensorInputStream |
A stream wrapper that triggers actions on close() and EOF. |
FileChannel |
An abstract channel type for interaction with a platform file. |
FileInputStream |
A specialized InputStream that reads from a file in the file system. |
FileOutputStream |
A specialized OutputStream that writes to a file in the file system. |
FileReader |
A specialized Reader that reads from a file in the file system. |
FileWriter |
A specialized Writer that writes to a file in the file system. |
FilterInputStream |
Wraps an existing InputStream and performs some transformation on
the input data while it is being read. |
FilterOutputStream |
Wraps an existing OutputStream and performs some transformation on
the output data while it is being written. |
FilterReader |
Wraps an existing Reader and performs some transformation on the
input data while it is being read. |
FilterWriter |
Wraps an existing Writer and performs some transformation on the
output data while it is being written. |
Formatter |
Formats arguments according to a format string (like printf in C). |
GZIPInputStream |
The GZIPInputStream class is used to read data stored in the GZIP
format, reading and decompressing GZIP data from the underlying stream into
its buffer. |
GZIPOutputStream |
The GZIPOutputStream class is used to write data to a stream in the
GZIP storage format. |
GatheringByteChannel |
The interface for channels that can write a set of buffers in a single
operation. |
IdentityInputStream |
A stream for reading from a session input buffer . |
IdentityOutputStream |
A stream for writing with an "identity" transport encoding. |
InflaterInputStream |
This class provides an implementation of FilterInputStream that
uncompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm
(see specification). |
InputStream |
The base class for all input streams. |
InputStreamReader |
A class for turning a byte stream into a character stream. |
InterruptibleChannel |
Channels that implement this interface can be asynchronously closed and
interrupted. |
JarInputStream |
The input stream from which the JAR file to be read may be fetched. |
JarOutputStream |
The JarOutputStream is used to write data in the JarFile
format to an arbitrary output stream
LineNumberInputStream |
This class is deprecated.
Use LineNumberReader
LineNumberReader |
Wraps an existing Reader and counts the line terminators encountered
while reading the data. |
ObjectInputStream |
A specialized InputStream that is able to read (deserialize) Java
objects as well as primitive data types (int, byte, char etc.). |
ObjectOutputStream |
A specialized OutputStream that is able to write (serialize) Java
objects as well as primitive data types (int, byte, char etc.). |
OutputStream |
The base class for all output streams. |
OutputStreamWriter |
A class for turning a character stream into a byte stream. |
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream |
An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescritor.close() for you when the stream is closed. |
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream |
An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescritor.close() for you when the stream is closed. |
Pipe.SinkChannel |
Writable sink channel used to write to a pipe. |
Pipe.SourceChannel |
Readable source channel used to read from a pipe. |
PipedInputStream |
Receives information from a communications pipe. |
PipedOutputStream |
Places information on a communications pipe. |
PipedReader |
Receives information on a communications pipe. |
PipedWriter |
Places information on a communications pipe. |
PrintStream |
Wraps an existing OutputStream and provides convenience methods for
writing common data types in a human readable format. |
PrintWriter |
Wraps either an existing OutputStream or an existing Writer
and provides convenience methods for printing common data types in a human
readable format. |
PushbackInputStream |
Wraps an existing InputStream and adds functionality to "push back"
bytes that have been read, so that they can be read again. |
PushbackReader |
Wraps an existing Reader and adds functionality to "push back"
characters that have been read, so that they can be read again. |
RandomAccessFile |
Allows reading from and writing to a file in a random-access manner. |
ReadableByteChannel |
A ReadableByteChannel is a type of Channel that can read
bytes. |
Reader |
The base class for all readers. |
ScatteringByteChannel |
The interface for channels that can read data into a set of buffers in a
single operation. |
SelectableChannel |
A channel that can be used with a Selector . |
SequenceInputStream |
Concatenates two or more existing InputStream s. |
ServerSocketChannel |
A ServerSocketChannel is a partial abstraction of a selectable,
stream-oriented listening socket. |
SocketChannel |
A SocketChannel is a selectable channel that provides a partial
abstraction of stream connecting socket. |
StringBufferInputStream |
This class is deprecated.
Use StringReader
StringReader |
A specialized Reader that reads characters from a String in
a sequential manner. |
StringWriter |
A specialized Writer that writes characters to a StringBuffer
in a sequential manner, appending them in the process. |
WritableByteChannel |
A WritableByteChannel is a type of Channel that can write
bytes. |
Writer |
The base class for all writers. |
ZipInputStream |
This class provides an implementation of FilterInputStream that
uncompresses data from a ZIP-archive input stream. |
ZipOutputStream |
This class provides an implementation of FilterOutputStream that
compresses data entries into a ZIP-archive output stream. |