public class


extends EventObject
   ↳ java.util.EventObject
     ↳ java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

An event that indicates that a constraint or a boundary of a property has changed.


Inherited Fields
From class java.util.EventObject
Public Constructors
PropertyChangeEvent(Object source, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
The constructor used to create a new PropertyChangeEvent.
Public Methods
Object getNewValue()
Returns the new value that the property now has.
Object getOldValue()
Returns the old value that the property had.
Object getPropagationId()
Returns the propagationId object.
String getPropertyName()
Returns the name of the property that has changed.
void setPropagationId(Object propagationId)
Sets the propagationId object.
Inherited Methods
From class java.util.EventObject
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public PropertyChangeEvent (Object source, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)

Since: API Level 3

The constructor used to create a new PropertyChangeEvent.

source the changed bean.
propertyName the changed property, or null to indicate an unspecified set of the properties has changed.
oldValue the previous value of the property, or null if the propertyName is null or the previous value is unknown.
newValue the new value of the property, or null if the propertyName is null or the new value is unknown.

Public Methods

public Object getNewValue ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns the new value that the property now has. If the new value is unknown this method returns null.

  • the old property value or null.

public Object getOldValue ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns the old value that the property had. If the old value is unknown this method returns null.

  • the old property value or null.

public Object getPropagationId ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns the propagationId object. This is reserved for future use. Beans 1.0 demands that a listener receiving this property and then sending its own PropertyChangeEvent sets the received propagationId on the new PropertyChangeEvent's propagationId field.

  • the propagationId object.

public String getPropertyName ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns the name of the property that has changed. If an unspecified set of properties has changed it returns null.

  • the name of the property that has changed, or null.

public void setPropagationId (Object propagationId)

Since: API Level 3

Sets the propagationId object.