Jira Report

BPM-293 Class memory allocation not released after undeployment. Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-203 Issue with field names generated in calendar support Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-160 Javascript date validation with time doesn ' t work Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-152 Decision transition - form bean doesn ' t implement required interface Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-150 Tag " usecases.activity " causes validation errors Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-102 endless loop Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-81 Calendar does not change the month Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-72 Parameters should not be prefixed with the action name Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-59 Using Struts Validation Framework Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-55 BPM4Struts controller implementations when generating the first time Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-54 breadrumbs sometimes append bad parameters Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-37 xdoclet form validation annotations need update Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-32 Session Object Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-25 display tag dynamic link decorator Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-21 duplicate parameter names may conflict Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-20 tabular data needs a dummy implementation in controller Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-1 tabs don ' t work in IE Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-294 Reducing traitrous Backinglist hidden load Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-282 in tables special character were not quoted before output Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-253 CRUD security not respecting Actor < -- > < < Manageable > > associations Open Un resolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-245 saveErrorMessages don ' t work anymore Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
BPM-243 Checkbox and radio buttons behave strangely Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-236 radio button code generation Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-196 It is possible to create entities which violate multiplicity constraints using CRUD Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-193 Something (tiles probably) tries to getMethod on the empty string (!) Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-192 Compile-error using an Enumeration-type in a CRUD-form Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-184 Copy link ignore select-box values Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-148 applying XSLT on generated JSPs Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-80 Generate multi-level menu Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-76 ejb refs are generated more than once Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-73 Javascript hints need to have single quotes escape Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-68 Breadcrumbs naming problems Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-67 Passing parameters between use cases Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-65 maxFileNameLength namespace property Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-60 Ability to create custom JSPs in the flow with generated JSPs Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-53 calendar template is not fully i18n Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-28 have a tagged value to toggle the calendar popup Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-26 Tabs not displayed correctly in IE Closed Cannot Reproduce Wouter Zoons
BPM-6 make sure dates work Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-303 Bpm4Struts cartridge testing always fails during build because of ambiguous profile search location configuration Open Unre solved Wouter Zoons
BPM-302 with multi-valued @andromda.presentation.web.view.field.validators only first validator generated Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-301 Exception when calling an Action issued from a table which element has got id of type Integer Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-300 Date struts validator failed when a d atefield is displayed as a textfield Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-297 Error looking up property " $columnName " in object type Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-289 generator failed for DateTime Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-286 style ids duplicates Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-285 escapeHtml and escapeJavascript for special characters Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-284 ValueObject as an argument to a create method In Progress Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-283 Tables do not show columns from the base class Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-280 multiple lists on controller will fail Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-279 week day shifting in javascript calendar Closed Cannot Reproduce Wouter Zoons
BPM-278 Textarea in managable entities does not have a cols tagged value Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-276 < < Manageable > > without frontend Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-275 Form encoding type setted as multipart/form-data Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-273 HTML textarea element needs cols, not size Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-272 Tab view of use case. Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-277 Tree view for a manageable entities Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-266 Page variables: display them on the JSP page Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-265 generate specific default Date Format with Lenient false Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-264 URLs need to be hostname:port-free so that the application can be fronted (proxied) by another web server Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-259 URLs need to be hostname:port-free so that the application can be fronted (proxied) by another web server Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-257 ${jsp.fullPath}-graderAssignments.jspf erroneously generated Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-256 Dummy list should use a factory, not " new " Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-254 Multiple row submission on table does not work Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-252 Entities that contain Enumerations not generating correct code Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-251 Widget is incorrectly rendered Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-242 Tables display only ID ' s Closed Fixed Woute r Zoons
BPM-241 jsp code for textarea Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-240 Page Variables Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
BPM-239 formName pageVariables and scope Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-237 Enabling preventDirectPageAccess breaks redirect Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-230 radio options need better support Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-229 date format could be i18n ' ed Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-228 Early decision points do not pass validation Closed Not an issue Wouter Z oons
BPM-227 full xhtml support Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
BPM-226 weird hints behavior Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-225 allow table links to target arbitrary columns Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-222 Build failure when collection is page variable Closed Cannot Reproduce Wouter Zoons
BPM-221 no parameters w/ html forms Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-220 make sure no access to JSPs is needed by the client Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-216 Remove generation of empty forms Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-213 error page in the web.xml Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-210 many2many relations support Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-209 Pattern Matching Exception Handler and Controller Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
BPM-208 Server side date and time validation are ignored Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-206 Add a date range validtor Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-202 Removing " security " property Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-201 page variables and tables need their own jspf Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-219 have web pages secured: generate them under WEB-INF Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-195 Remove < < Unsecured > > stereotype Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-191 Add " add referenced entity " button/selectbox Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-190 Default values are ignored Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-187 Add a * to each mandatory field in the form Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-186 Various CRUD form suggestions Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-185 reset-button Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-183 escape javascript when copying row to criteria Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-182 input validation for manageable entities Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-181 allow the possibility to generate normalized messages Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
BPM-180 Specifying call instead of signal on transition causes runtime error Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
BPM-179 support security on < < Manageable > > entities Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons