Dependencies can be used between Services and Entities, they won't need any stereotype assigned to them. These dependencies are used to produce entity references (from a entity or service) in the Spring applicationContext.xml and within the Spring base classes (i.e. DaoBase and ServiceBase), or to produce service references (from another service) in the Spring applicationContext.xml and within the ServiceBase classes. Entity business operations can be set to classifier scope instead of the usual instance scope. By doing so they will be generated into the corresponding DAO for that entity instead of the entity implementation class. Entity query operations (i.e. finders) can be denoted by setting the query flag on the modeled operation to true (they do not require any stereotypes). Actors represent roles within your model. To designate that a role has access to a given service you must draw a dependency from an Actor to the <<Service>>. To designate the role has access to to a given operation, you must draw a dependency from an Actor to the operation.

AndroMDA Spring Cartridge Profile

This profile contains all elements that can be applied on the model used as the MDA transformation process. These elements are specific to the AndroMDA Spring Cartridge component.

Stereotypes are the names you sometimes see appear in UML diagrams, they typically look like <<MyStereotype>> and can be applied on any type of UML model element.

Entity (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
See the documentation from the Hibernate cartridge .
Service (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Either denotes a class is representing an EJB session bean or a Spring service. This service is supposed to be used as a facade for a set of entities. If you want to use Spring services instead of the default EJB session beans then you will need to remove the session-ejbs outlet from the spring cartridge's namespace in the andromda.xml configuration.
@andromda.ejb.transaction.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service Operation
Defines an EJB transaction type for the service operation (when wrapped by EJBs)
Allowed values for this element:
  • NotSupported
  • Supports
  • Required
  • RequiresNew
  • Mandatory
  • Never
@andromda.ejb.viewType (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service
Defines an EJB service's view type (when Spring services are wrapped by EJBs).
Allowed values for this element:
  • local
  • remote
  • both
@andromda.spring.transaction.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service or Service Operation
Defines a Spring transaction type for the service operation (when NOT wrapped by EJBs). Using this tagged value on a service will enable it on all of its operations. If this tagged value is present on such a service operation it will take priority over any transaction declaration in a broader scope such as its service or the global namespace.
Allowed values for this element:
@andromda.hibernate.query (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: An Entity operation marked as a query.
Defines a hibernate query expression. Note that it's encouraged to model your query body as an OCL constraint (instead of using this tagged value).
@andromda.hibernate.query.useNamedParameters (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: An Entity operation marked as a query.
Defines whether the marked finder will use named parameters or not.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.spring.service.remoting.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: <<Service>>
Services marked with this stereotype will be exported using Spring's remoting architecture. Please note that in order to be able to use Lingo remoting , you need to use Spring 2.0.
Allowed values for this element:
  • none
  • rmi
  • httpinvoker
  • burlap
  • hessian
  • lingo>
@andromda.spring.service.remote.port (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: <<Service>>
Sets the port this service will be exported on. You must also tag the service using @andromda.spring.service.remote.port .
@andromda.spring.service.interceptors (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: <<Service>>
Sets a list of additional interceptors to be applied to the service's ProxyBeanFactory declaration. They will be listed after the serviceSecurityInterceptor, serviceTransactionInterceptor and hibernateInterceptor if present.
@andromda.spring.service.config.only (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: <<Service>>
Set this tagged value to true in order to suppress generation of the bean class. The bean will be listed in the applicationContext.xml files, however. The idea behind this tagged value is to enable users to use Spring beans that are contained in Jar files, e.g. org.acegisecurity.providers.rcp.RemoteAuthenticationManager.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.service.private (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: <<Service>>
Set this tagged value to true in order to define the service as private. Private services are not available through the ServiceLocator, are not exposed via remoting and their methods are not intercepted by neither the transaction manager nor the security interceptor. The idea behind this tagged value is to enable users to create services which could be used only via dependencies, not by standalone instantiation.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.nullable (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
If this tagged value is set to true, the tagged attribute will be considered in the search even if it is null. Use this feature to query entities that have attributes that may be NULL (in the sense of SQL).
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.attribute (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
Sets the name of the attribute on the hibernate entity that should be added to a criteria search. If the attribute you want to search for is not in the entity itself, but rather in an associated class, you can use a fully qualified name here. Assume you have two entites Person and Address, the address being referenced as a one-to-one relationship with the role name homeAddress and the address having an attribute named "city". If you want to retrieve all people living in Hamburg, simply set the value of this tagged value to If you ommit this tagged value, the name of the attribute in the criteria class will be used.
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.comparator (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
Using this tagged value to define the logical condition for the underlying attribute in the query is set.
Allowed values for this element:
  • like
  • insensitive_like
  • equal
  • greater
  • greater_equal
  • less
  • less_equal
  • in
  • not_equal
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.matchmode (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
Use this value to denote the hibernate matchmode to be used for comparing strings.
Allowed values for this element:
  • anywhere
  • start
  • end
  • exact
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.order.direction (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
Using this tagged value, you can determine the sort order of the result set.
Allowed values for this element:
  • ascending
  • descending
@andromda.hibernate.criteria.order.relevance (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: an attribute of a <<Criteria>> class
Use this tagged value to determine the relevance of this ordering. You may enter any integer value. The smaller the value, the more relevant the ordering will be.
Allowed values for this element:
  • an integer
@andromda.activemq.optimizeAcknowledge (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A transition going into a service operation from a messaging destination
Use this tagged value to set the sessop flag on an incoming connection when using ActiveMQ.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.messaging.sessionAcknowledgeMode (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A transition going into a service operation from a messaging destination
Use this tagged value to set the session acknowledge mode.
Allowed values for this element:
like (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
insensitive_like (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
equal (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
greater_equal (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
greater (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
less_equal (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
less (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
in (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
not_equal (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
anywhere (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
end (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
exact (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
start (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
ascending (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
descending (Back to Constants)
Applied on:
No documentation available
Allowed values for this element:
@andromda.manageable.table.maxlistsize (Back to Constants)
Applied on: A class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
The maximum number of rows to fetch from the database in a single operation. Tune this parameter to avoid downloading thousands of rows each time, most of the time the user will want to use the search facility to refine the result set
Allowed values for this element:
  • a strictly positive integer
  • 250 (default)
@andromda.manageable.table.displayname (Back to Constants)
Applied on: A class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
The column representing this entity,by default the first <<Unique>> attribute found is taken but you might want to specify another column yourself. This value is used when one entity has a foreign key to another one and you want to select the value of this foreign key from a combobox and you would like to see a more meaningful label for each option, if no <<Unique>> attribute is found the identifier is used, which isn't very helpful.
Allowed values for this element:
  • any column name present in this entity
  • the name of the identifier column (default)