Create PersonVO using MagicDraw

This page provides directions to create the PersonVO using MagicDraw. The model is shown below for your reference.

  1. In the TimeTracker model create a package called vo under org.andromda.timetracker. We will create our value objects in this package.
  2. In the Containment Tree on the left, right-click on the vo package and select New Diagram > Class Diagram. Type in Value Objects as the name of this diagram and click OK. The diagram is created and opened in a new window.
  3. From the Containment Tree on the left, drag the Person class on to the diagram. Warning: It is important to bring in the existing Person class from the domain package into this diagram. DO NOT create a new Person class in this diagram. Doing so will create a new class in the vo package - this is not our intention. All we need is a reference to the existing Person class in the domain package.
  4. Add a new class to the diagram and name it PersonVO.
  5. Add the stereotype called ValueObject to PersonVO.
  6. Add four attributes to PersonVO as shown above.
  7. Select the dependency relationship from the toolbar. Now left-click the mouse on the Person class, drag it to the PersonVO class and release the mouse. A dependency relationship is added between the two classes.
  8. Add a new class to the diagram and name it PersonVO[].
  9. Make sure your class diagram matches the one shown above.
  10. Save the model by selecting File > Save Project.

We are now ready to generate code for the PersonVO value object. Please go back to the main tutorial page and continue from where you left off.