Jira Report

UMLMETA-30 subPackages does not work as expected Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-27 [Activity Diagrams - Object Flow State ] - Unable to get the classifier type specified Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-12 TaggedValue getValue returns " " when enumeration Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-21 [Activity Graphs ] transition from ActionState to SubactivityState is not usable Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-20 Unable to retreive the stereotypes attached to an Activity Graph Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-1 isCollectionType and isDateType need to be improved. Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-89 When assigning multiple values to one Tagged Value using UML2 only the first value is processed Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-88 EMF Uml2 AttributeFacadeLogicImpl.handleGetName() applies literal name masks to member variables Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-87 emf uml2 implementation of EnumerationFacadeLogicImpl modifies the underlying meta object in handleGetMemberVariables Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-86 [Patch ] ExceptionRef stereotype is ignored Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-85 [emf-uml2subcl asses of Dependency are not included in the result of getTarget/SourceDependencies Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-84 association from EnumerationLiteral to Enumeration Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-83 ClassCastException: org.eclipse.uml2.impl.GeneralizationImpl with EMF-UML2 model Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-82 getJavaNullString doesn ' t work for float/double Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-81 EMF GeneralizationFacade: findTaggedValue fails with ClassCastException Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-79 Result from getFullyQualifedName is not correct for properties, operations and parameters Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-76 Mapping issue between Hibernate cartridge and EMF-UML2 Metafacade In Progress Unresolved Steve Jerman
UMLMETA-71 Association end getter setter declaration and implementation type resolving algorithm aware of templates, qualifiers and association classes Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-70 Foreign Key Constraint name is not unique for some modeling patterns Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-69 Make pluralization engine pluggable Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-67 Adding UML association ends qualifier support to UML metafacades Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-66 Add pluralization support for languages other than english and enhance english support Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-64 AndroMDA fails with ClassCastException (LinkFacadeLogicImpl) Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-63 Templating needs to be changed to make it non-java specific Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-62 allow interface realization Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-61 Making AssociationClassFacade extend both ClassifierFacade and AssociationFacade Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-60 transient entity (attribute) Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-59 columnNamePrefix namespace property Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-58 including template parameters in generated code Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-56 Generalizations on associations? Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-55 Reference to Java language in ClassifierFacadeLogicImpl Resolved Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-54 support for leaf classes (final in java) Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-53 isReturnTypePresent should return false in case of null Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-51 enum literals with underscore generate two underscores Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-49 access to in/out/inout info of operation parameters Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-47 attribute inheritance in ClassifierFacade.getProperties(boolean) Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-46 Add support for inherited attributes in specializations Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-45 getDocumentation() with htmlStyle false Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-44 Remove duplicated line (52) in EventFacadeLogicImpl.java Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-43 fix ParameterFacade getterName Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-42 Adding StateMachineFacade Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-41 make sure forks and joins handle UML tool bugs Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-40 enhance activity graph functionality Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-39 Accessors for Boolean attributes should be " get " and not " is " Resolved Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-38 getProperties should retain some ordering Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-37 Add call to retrieve the name of a type without it having to be fully qualified Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-36 Look at improving the way NamespaceFacade is implemented Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-35 enlargement of the functionality of InstanceFacade Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-34 missing object facade Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-31 add < < Manageable > > OCL constraints for model validation Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-29 Default Nullability for Hibernate/Database constraints Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-28 MagicDraw not generating UML:AssociationClass information workaround proposition Closed Duplicate Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-26 Unable to match AssociationClassFacade in andromda-cartridge.xml Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-24 support generics Resolved Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-23 Unable to access the Guard condition set on a transition in an activity graph. Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-22 Activity Diagrams - Sub Activity State - getSubmachine API problems Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-18 Activity Graph metafacade lacks some api regarding UML partitions Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-17 Activity Graph metafacade lacks some usefull state types Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-16 metafacades for the presentation tier Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-15 synchronizable operations Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-13 Finders should be named " queries " and take advantage of the query flag Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-11 Enumerations should really use the UML meta model type Resolved Won ' t Fix Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-10 AndroMDA:VALIDATION:ERROR Each parameter needs a type, BUT which one Resolved Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-7 Compound Primary Keys Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-6 Association class wrapping in metafacades model Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-4 Duplicate attributes in factory create method Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-3 metamodel operations should be attributes Closed Fixed Matthias Bohlen
UMLMETA-80 Bad setter method generation using name masks (AttributeFacadeLogicImpl). Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-78 Member variable & parameters support for enums in uml metafacades Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
UMLMETA-75 Support for abstract associations in UML? Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-74 Add support for Clob in common metafacades Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
UMLMETA-73 Allow multi-line use case names in model Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-72 Retrieving Object Flow State from his Type Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-65 Allow association ends that point to embedded values Open Unresolved Naresh Bhatia
UMLMETA-57 Magic Draw modeling symbol unsupported Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-52 Entity metafacade needs support for UML Template Parameters Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-50 Link(s) between Object(s) in CollaborationDiagram(s) cause problems when running AndroMDA Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-48 enforcing unique column names within an EntityAssociationEnd Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-32 New metafacade elements Extend and ExtensionPoint Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-14 A class specializing an < < Entity > > should also be an entity Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
UMLMETA-9 getSize() function in data types Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
UMLMETA-8 more information in validation-error message Closed Duplicate Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-5 defaul tIdentifier should be readOnly Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
UMLMETA-77 attributeExists in UML14MetafacadeUtils Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
UMLMETA-68 Extending the getDocumentation of the OperationFacade Closed Won ' t Fix Wouter Zoons