8.4. Design Document Methods

In CouchDB, design documents provide the main interface for building a CouchDB application. The design document defines the views used to extract information from CouchDB through one or more views. Design documents are created within your CouchDB instance in the same way as you create database documents, but the content and definition of the documents is different. Design Documents are named using an ID defined with the design document URL path, and this URL can then be used to access the database contents.

Views and lists operate together to provide automated (and formatted) output from your database.

A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:

Design Document API Calls

8.4.1. GET /db/_design/design-doc

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc

  • Request: None

  • Response: JSON of the existing design document

  • Admin Privileges Required: no

  • Query Arguments:

    • Argument: rev

      • Description: Specify the revision to return
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: revs

      • Description: Return a list of the revisions for the document

      • Optional: yes

      • Type: boolean

      • Supported Values:

        • true: Includes the revisions
    • Argument: revs_info

      • Description: Return a list of detailed revision information for the document
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Supported Values:
        • true: Includes the revisions

Returns the specified design document, design-doc from the specified db. For example, to retrieve the design document recipes you would send the following request:

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
Content-Type: application/json

The returned string will be the JSON of the design document:

   "_id" : "_design/recipes",
   "_rev" : "5-39f56a392b86bbee57e2138921346406"
   "language" : "javascript",
   "views" : {
      "by_recipe" : {
         "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.title != null) emit(doc.title, doc) }"

A list of the revisions can be obtained by using the revs query argument, or an extended list of revisions using the revs_info query argument. This operates in the same way as for other documents. Fur further examples, see GET /db/doc.

8.4.2. PUT /db/_design/design-doc

  • Method: PUT /db/_design/design-doc
  • Request: JSON of the design document
  • Response: JSON status
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

Upload the specified design document, design-doc, to the specified database. The design document should follow the definition of a design document, as summarised in the following table.

  • _id: Design Document ID
  • _rev: Design Document Revision
  • views: View
    • viewname: View Definition
      • map: Map Function for View
      • reduce (optional): Reduce Function for View

For more information on writing views, see GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name.

8.4.3. DELETE /db/_design/design-doc

  • Method: DELETE /db/_design/design-doc
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON of deleted design document
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: rev
      • Description: Current revision of the document for validation
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
  • HTTP Headers
    • Header: If-Match
      • Description: Current revision of the document for validation
      • Optional: yes
  • Return Codes:
    • 409: Supplied revision is incorrect or missing

Delete an existing design document. Deleting a design document also deletes all of the associated view indexes, and recovers the corresponding space on disk for the indexes in question.

To delete, you must specify the current revision of the design document using the rev query argument.

For example:

DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=2-ac58d589b37d01c00f45a4418c5a15a8
Content-Type: application/json

The response contains the delete document ID and revision:

   "id" : "recipe/_design/recipes"
   "ok" : true,
   "rev" : "3-7a05370bff53186cb5d403f861aca154",

8.4.4. COPY /db/_design/design-doc

  • Method: COPY /db/_design/design-doc
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON of the new document and revision
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: rev
      • Description: Revision to copy from
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
  • HTTP Headers
    • Header: Destination
      • Description: Destination document (and optional revision)
      • Optional: no

The COPY command (non-standard HTTP) copies an existing design document to a new or existing document.

The source design document is specified on the request line, with the Destination HTTP Header of the request specifying the target document. Copying a Design Document

To copy the latest version of a design document to a new document you specify the base document and target document:

COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
Content-Type: application/json
Destination: /recipes/_design/recipelist

The above request copies the design document recipes to the new design document recipelist. The response is the ID and revision of the new document.

   "id" : "recipes/_design/recipelist"
   "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",


Copying a design document does automatically reconstruct the view indexes. These will be recreated, as with other views, the first time the new view is accessed. Copying from a Specific Revision

To copy from a specific version, use the rev argument to the query string:

COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=1-e23b9e942c19e9fb10ff1fde2e50e0f5
Content-Type: application/json
Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist

The new design document will be created using the specified revision of the source document. Copying to an Existing Design Document

To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current revision string for the target document, using the rev parameter to the Destination HTTP Header string. For example:

COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
Content-Type: application/json
Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee

The return value will be the new revision of the copied document:

   "id" : "recipes/_design/recipes"
   "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692",

8.4.5. GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment
  • Request: None
  • Response: Returns the attachment data
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

Returns the file attachment attachment associated with the design document /_design_/design-doc. The raw data of the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were accessing a static file. The returned HTTP Content-type will be the same as the content type set when the document attachment was submitted into the database.

8.4.6. PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment

  • Method: PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment
  • Request: Raw document data
  • Response: JSON document status
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: rev
      • Description: Current document revision
      • Optional: no
      • Type: string
  • HTTP Headers
    • Header: Content-Length
      • Description: Length (bytes) of the attachment being uploaded
      • Optional: no
    • Header: Content-Type
      • Description: MIME type for the uploaded attachment
      • Optional: no
    • Header: If-Match
      • Description: Current revision of the document for validation
      • Optional: yes

Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified design document (/_design/design-doc). The attachment name provided must be a URL encoded string. You must also supply either the rev query argument or the If-Match HTTP header for validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.

For example, you could upload a simple text document using the following request:

PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
Content-Length: 39
Content-Type: text/plain

div.recipetitle {
font-weight: bold;

Or by using the If-Match HTTP header:

PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
If-Match: 7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
Content-Length: 39
Content-Type: text/plain

div.recipetitle {
font-weight: bold;

The returned JSON contains the new document information:

   "id" : "_design/recipes"
   "ok" : true,
   "rev" : "8-cb2b7d94eeac76782a02396ba70dfbf5",


Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not individual attachments.

8.4.7. DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment

  • Method: DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON status
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: rev
      • Description: Current document revision
      • Optional: no
      • Type: string
  • HTTP Headers
    • Header: If-Match
      • Description: Current revision of the document for validation
      • Optional: yes
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Attachment deleted successfully
    • 409: Supplied revision is incorrect or missing

Deletes the attachment attachment to the specified _design/design-doc. You must supply the rev argument with the current revision to delete the attachment.

For example to delete the attachment view.css from the design document recipes:

DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=9-3db559f13a845c7751d407404cdeaa4a

The returned JSON contains the updated revision information for the parent document:

   "id" : "_design/recipes"
   "ok" : true,
   "rev" : "10-f3b15bb408961f8dcc3d86c7d3b54c4c",

8.4.8. GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON of the design document information
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

Obtains information about a given design document, including the index, index size and current status of the design document and associated index information.

For example, to get the information for the recipes design document:

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_info
Content-Type: application/json

This returns the following JSON structure:

   "name" : "recipes"
   "view_index" : {
      "compact_running" : false,
      "updater_running" : false,
      "language" : "javascript",
      "purge_seq" : 10,
      "waiting_commit" : false,
      "waiting_clients" : 0,
      "signature" : "fc65594ee76087a3b8c726caf5b40687",
      "update_seq" : 375031,
      "disk_size" : 16491

The individual fields in the returned JSON structure are detailed below:

  • name: Name/ID of Design Document
  • view_index: View Index
    • compact_running: Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on the view
    • disk_size: Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
    • language: Language for the defined views
    • purge_seq: The purge sequence that has been processed
    • signature: MD5 signature of the views for the design document
    • update_seq: The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been indexed
    • updater_running: Indicates if the view is currently being updated
    • waiting_clients: Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
    • waiting_commit: Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying database that need to processed

8.4.9. GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON of the documents returned by the view
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: descending
      • Description: Return the documents in descending by key order
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: endkey
      • Description: Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: endkey_docid
      • Description: Stop returning records when the specified document ID is reached
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: group
      • Description: Group the results using the reduce function to a group or single row
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: group_level
      • Description: Specify the group level to be used
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
    • Argument: include_docs
      • Description: Include the full content of the documents in the return
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: inclusive_end
      • Description: Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: true
    • Argument: key
      • Description: Return only documents that match the specified key
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: limit
      • Description: Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
    • Argument: reduce
      • Description: Use the reduction function
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: true
    • Argument: skip
      • Description: Skip this number of records before starting to return the results
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 0
    • Argument: stale
      • Description: Allow the results from a stale view to be used
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
      • Default:
      • Supported Values
        • ok: Allow stale views
    • Argument: startkey
      • Description: Return records starting with the specified key
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: startkey_docid
      • Description: Return records starting with the specified document ID
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: update_seq
      • Description: Include the update sequence in the generated results
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false

Executes the specified view-name from the specified design-doc design document. Querying Views and Indexes

The definition of a view within a design document also creates an index based on the key information defined within each view. The production and use of the index significantly increases the speed of access and searching or selecting documents from the view.

However, the index is not updated when new documents are added or modified in the database. Instead, the index is generated or updated, either when the view is first accessed, or when the view is accessed after a document has been updated. In each case, the index is updated before the view query is executed against the database.

View indexes are updated incrementally in the following situations:

  • A new document has been added to the database.
  • A document has been deleted from the database.
  • A document in the database has been updated.

View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition changes. To achieve this, a ‘fingerprint’ of the view definition is created when the design document is updated. If the fingerprint changes, then the view indexes are entirely rebuilt. This ensures that changes to the view definitions are reflected in the view indexes.


View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view group (i.e. all the views defined within a single a design document) has been determined as needing a rebuild. For example, if if you have a design document with different views, and you update the database, all three view indexes within the design document will be updated.

Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can result in a delay in returned information when the view is accessed, especially if there are a large number of documents in the database and the view index does not exist. There are a number of ways to mitigate, but not completely eliminate, these issues. These include:

  • Create the view definition (and associated design documents) on your database before allowing insertion or updates to the documents. If this is allowed while the view is being accessed, the index can be updated incrementally.
  • Manually force a view request from the database. You can do this either before users are allowed to use the view, or you can access the view manually after documents are added or updated.
  • Use the /db/_changes method to monitor for changes to the database and then access the view to force the corresponding view index to be updated. See GET /db/_changes for more information.
  • Use a monitor with the update_notification section of the CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be updated. For more information, see Update Notifications.

None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes to be rebuilt or updated when the view is accessed, but they may lessen the effects on end-users of the index update affecting the user experience.

Another alternative is to allow users to access a ‘stale’ version of the view index, rather than forcing the index to be updated and displaying the updated results. Using a stale view may not return the latest information, but will return the results of the view query using an existing version of the index.

For example, to access the existing stale view by_recipe in the recipes design document:


Accessing a stale view:

  • Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if there have been changes since the last access.
  • Returns the current version of the view index, if a current version exists.
  • Returns an empty result set if the given view index does exist.

As an alternative, you use the update_after value to the stale parameter. This causes the view to be returned as a stale view, but for the update process to be triggered after the view information has been returned to the client.

In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the update_seq query argument. Using this query argument generates the view information including the update sequence of the database from which the view was generated. The returned value can be compared this to the current update sequence exposed in the database information (returned by GET /db). Sorting Returned Rows

Each element within the returned array is sorted using native UTF-8 sorting according to the contents of the key portion of the emitted content. The basic order of output is as follows:

  • null
  • false
  • true
  • Numbers
  • Text (case sensitive, lowercase first)
  • Arrays (according to the values of each element, in order)
  • Objects (according to the values of keys, in key order)

You can reverse the order of the returned view information by using the descending query value set to true. For example, Retrieving the list of recipes using the by_title (limited to 5 records) view:

   "offset" : 0,
   "rows" : [
         "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
         "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
         "value" : [
            "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
         "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
         "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
         "value" : [
            "Aberffraw cake"
         "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
         "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
         "value" : [
            "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
         "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
         "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
         "value" : [
            "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
         "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
         "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
         "value" : [
            "Alabama peanut chicken"
   "total_rows" : 2667

Requesting the same in descending order will reverse the entire view content. For example the request

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5&descending=true
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Returns the last 5 records from the view:

   "offset" : 0,
   "rows" : [
         "id" : "Zucchiniinagrodolcesweet-sourcourgettes",
         "key" : "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)",
         "value" : [
            "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)"
         "id" : "Zingylemontart",
         "key" : "Zingy lemon tart",
         "value" : [
            "Zingy lemon tart"
         "id" : "Zestyseafoodavocado",
         "key" : "Zesty seafood avocado",
         "value" : [
            "Zesty seafood avocado"
         "id" : "Zabaglione",
         "key" : "Zabaglione",
         "value" : [
         "id" : "Yogurtraita",
         "key" : "Yogurt raita",
         "value" : [
            "Yogurt raita"
   "total_rows" : 2667

The sorting direction is applied before the filtering applied using the startkey and endkey query arguments. For example the following query:

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?startkey=%22carrots%22&endkey=%22egg%22
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Will operate correctly when listing all the matching entries between “carrots” and egg. If the order of output is reversed with the descending query argument, the view request will return no entries:

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22carrots%22&endkey=%22egg%22
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

The returned result is empty:

   "total_rows" : 26453,
   "rows" : [],
   "offset" : 21882

The results will be empty because the entries in the view are reversed before the key filter is applied, and therefore the endkey of “egg” will be seen before the startkey of “carrots”, resulting in an empty list.

Instead, you should reverse the values supplied to the startkey and endkey parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the keys. Changing the previous example to:

GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22egg%22&endkey=%22carrots%22
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json Specifying Start and End Values

The startkey and endkey query arguments can be used to specify the range of values to be displayed when querying the view. Using Limits and Skipping Rows

TBC View Reduction and Grouping


8.4.10. POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name

  • Method: POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name
  • Request: List of keys to be returned from specified view
  • Response: JSON of the documents returned by the view
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: descending
      • Description: Return the documents in descending by key order
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: endkey
      • Description: Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: endkey_docid
      • Description: Stop returning records when the specified document ID is reached
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: group
      • Description: Group the results using the reduce function to a group or single row
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: group_level
      • Description: Specify the group level to be used
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
    • Argument: include_docs
      • Description: Include the full content of the documents in the return
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false
    • Argument: inclusive_end
      • Description: Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: true
    • Argument: key
      • Description: Return only documents that match the specified key
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: limit
      • Description: Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
    • Argument: reduce
      • Description: Use the reduction function
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: true
    • Argument: skip
      • Description: Skip this number of records before starting to return the results
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 0
    • Argument: stale
      • Description: Allow the results from a stale view to be used
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
      • Default:
      • Supported Values:
        • ok: Allow stale views
    • Argument: startkey
      • Description: Return records starting with the specified key
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: startkey_docid
      • Description: Return records starting with the specified document ID
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: update_seq
      • Description: Include the update sequence in the generated results
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: boolean
      • Default: false

Executes the specified view-name from the specified design-doc design document. Unlike the GET method for accessing views, the POST method supports the specification of explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder of the POST view functionality is identical to the GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name API.

For example, the request below will return all the recipes where the key for the view matches either “claret” or “clear apple cider” :

POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient
Content-Type: application/json

   "keys" : [
      "clear apple juice"

The returned view data contains the standard view information, but only where the keys match.

   "total_rows" : 26484,
   "rows" : [
         "value" : [
            "Scotch collops"
         "id" : "Scotchcollops",
         "key" : "claret"
         "value" : [
            "Stand pie"
         "id" : "Standpie",
         "key" : "clear apple juice"
   "offset" : 6324
} Multi-document Fetching

By combining the POST method to a given view with the include_docs=true query argument you can obtain multiple documents from a database. The result is more efficient than using multiple GET /db/doc requests.

For example, sending the following request for ingredients matching “claret” and “clear apple juice”:

POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?include_docs=true
Content-Type: application/json

   "keys" : [
      "clear apple juice"

Returns the full document for each recipe:

   "offset" : 6324,
   "rows" : [
         "doc" : {
            "_id" : "Scotchcollops",
            "_rev" : "1-bcbdf724f8544c89697a1cbc4b9f0178",
            "cooktime" : "8",
            "ingredients" : [
                  "ingredient" : "onion",
                  "ingredtext" : "onion, peeled and chopped",
                  "meastext" : "1"
            "keywords" : [
               "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob",
               "special collections@classic recipe",
               "cuisine@british traditional",
               "special collections@very easy",
               "main ingredient@meat",
               "meal type@main",
            "preptime" : "10",
            "servings" : "4",
            "subtitle" : "This recipe comes from an old recipe book of 1683 called 'The Gentlewoman's Kitchen'. This is an excellent way of making a rich and full-flavoured meat dish in a very short time.",
            "title" : "Scotch collops",
            "totaltime" : "18"
         "id" : "Scotchcollops",
         "key" : "claret",
         "value" : [
            "Scotch collops"
         "doc" : {
            "_id" : "Standpie",
            "_rev" : "1-bff6edf3ca2474a243023f2dad432a5a",
            "cooktime" : "92",
            "ingredients" : [
...            ],
            "keywords" : [
               "special collections@classic recipe",
               "cuisine@british traditional",
               "occasion@buffet party",
               "special collections@lunchbox",
               "main ingredient@meat",
               "convenience@serve with salad for complete meal",
               "meal type@main",
               "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob / oven",
               "diet@cow dairy-free"
            "preptime" : "30",
            "servings" : "6",
            "subtitle" : "Serve this pie with pickled vegetables and potato salad.",
            "title" : "Stand pie",
            "totaltime" : "437"
         "id" : "Standpie",
         "key" : "clear apple juice",
         "value" : [
            "Stand pie"
   "total_rows" : 26484

8.4.11. GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name
  • Request: None
  • Response: Returns the result of the show
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: details
      • Description: Indicates whether details should be included
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string
    • Argument: format
      • Description: Format of the returned information
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: string

8.4.12. POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc

  • Method: POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name
  • Request: Custom data
  • Response: Returns the result of the show
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.13. GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.14. POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name

  • Method: POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.15. GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name

  • Method: GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.16. POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name

  • Method: POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.17. PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc

  • Method: POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.18. POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename

  • Method: PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

8.4.19. ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything

  • Method: ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything
  • Request: TBC
  • Response: TBC
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

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