8.5. Miscellaneous Methods

The CouchDB Miscellaneous interface provides the basic interface to a CouchDB server for obtaining CouchDB information and getting and setting configuration information.

A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:

Method Path Description
GET / Get the welcome message and version information
GET /_active_tasks Obtain a list of the tasks running in the server
GET /_all_dbs Get a list of all the DBs
GET /_log Return the server log file
POST /_replicate Set or cancel replication
POST /_restart Restart the server
GET /_stats Return server statistics
GET /_utils CouchDB administration interface (Futon)
GET /_uuids Get generated UUIDs from the server
GET /favicon.ico Get the site icon

8.5.1. GET /

  • Method: GET /
  • Request: None
  • Response: Welcome message and version
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing information about the server, including a welcome message and the version of the server.

   "couchdb" : "Welcome",
   "version" : "1.0.1"

8.5.2. GET /_active_tasks

  • Method: GET /_active_tasks
  • Request: None
  • Response: List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status and process ID
  • Admin Privileges Required: yes
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the /_active_tasks URL. The result is a JSON array of the currently running tasks, with each task being described with a single object. For example:

    "pid" : "<0.11599.0>",
    "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
    "task" : "recipes",
    "type" : "Database Compaction"

The returned structure includes the following fields for each task:

  • tasks [array]: Active Task
    • pid:Process ID
    • status: Task status message
    • task: Task name
    • type: Operation Type

For operation type, valid values include:

  • Database Compaction
  • Replication
  • View Group Compaction
  • View Group Indexer

8.5.3. GET /_all_dbs

  • Method: GET /_all_dbs
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON list of DBs
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance. For example:

GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs
Accept: application/json

The return is a JSON array:


8.5.4. GET /_log

  • Method: GET /_log
  • Request: None
  • Response: Log content
  • Admin Privileges Required: yes
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: bytes
      • Description: Bytes to be returned
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 1000
    • Argument: offset
      • Description: Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 0
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

Gets the CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file of the corresponding CouchDB instance.

When you request the log, the response is returned as plain (UTF-8) text, with an HTTP Content-type header as text/plain.

For example, the request:

GET http://couchdb:5984/_log
Accept: */*

The raw text is returned:

[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:49:42 GMT] [info] [<0.23338.2>] - - 'PUT' /authdb 401
[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /recipes/FishStew 200
[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /_session 200
[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.24199.2>] - - 'GET' / 200
[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:03:38 GMT] [info] [<0.24207.2>] - - 'GET' /_log?offset=5 200

If you want to pick out specific parts of the log information you can use the bytes argument, which specifies the number of bytes to be returned, and offset, which specifies where the reading of the log should start, counted back from the end. For example, if you use the following request:

GET /_log?bytes=500&offset=2000

Reading of the log will start at 2000 bytes from the end of the log, and 500 bytes will be shown.

8.5.5. POST /_replicate

  • Method: POST /_replicate
  • Request: Replication specification
  • Response: TBD
  • Admin Privileges Required: yes
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: bytes
      • Description: Bytes to be returned
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 1000
    • Argument: offset
      • Description: Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
      • Default: 0
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Replication request successfully completed
    • 202: Continuous replication request has been accepted
    • 404: Either the source or target DB is not found
    • 500: JSON specification was invalid

Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.

The specification of the replication request is controlled through the JSON content of the request. The JSON should be an object with the fields defining the source, target and other options. The fields of the JSON request are shown in the table below:

  • cancel (optional): Cancels the replication
  • continuous (optional): Configure the replication to be continuous
  • create_target (optional): Creates the target database
  • doc_ids (optional): Array of document IDs to be synchronized
  • proxy (optional): Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur
  • source: Source database name or URL
  • target: Target database name or URL Replication Operation

The aim of the replication is that at the end of the process, all active documents on the source database are also in the destination database and all documents that were deleted in the source databases are also deleted (if they exist) on the destination database.

Replication can be described as either push or pull replication:

  • Pull replication is where the source is the remote CouchDB instance, and the destination is the local database.

    Pull replication is the most useful solution to use if your source database has a permanent IP address, and your destination (local) database may have a dynamically assigned IP address (for example, through DHCP). This is particularly important if you are replicating to a mobile or other device from a central server.

  • Push replication is where the source is a local database, and destination is a remote database. Specifying the Source and Target Database

You must use the URL specification of the CouchDB database if you want to perform replication in either of the following two situations:

  • Replication with a remote database (i.e. another instance of CouchDB on the same host, or a different host)
  • Replication with a database that requires authentication

For example, to request replication between a database local to the CouchDB instance to which you send the request, and a remote database you might use the following request:

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

   "source" : "recipes",
   "target" : "http://coucdb-remote:5984/recipes",

In all cases, the requested databases in the source and target specification must exist. If they do not, an error will be returned within the JSON object:

   "error" : "db_not_found"
   "reason" : "could not open http://couchdb-remote:5984/ol1ka/",

You can create the target database (providing your user credentials allow it) by adding the create_target field to the request object:

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

   "create_target" : true
   "source" : "recipes",
   "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",

The create_target field is not destructive. If the database already exists, the replication proceeds as normal. Single Replication

You can request replication of a database so that the two databases can be synchronized. By default, the replication process occurs one time and synchronizes the two databases together. For example, you can request a single synchronization between two databases by supplying the source and target fields within the request JSON content.

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

   "source" : "recipes",
   "target" : "recipes-snapshot",

In the above example, the databases recipes and recipes-snapshot will be synchronized. These databases are local to the CouchDB instance where the request was made. The response will be a JSON structure containing the success (or failure) of the synchronization process, and statistics about the process:

   "ok" : true,
   "history" : [
         "docs_read" : 1000,
         "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
         "recorded_seq" : 1000,
         "end_last_seq" : 1000,
         "doc_write_failures" : 0,
         "start_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:13 GMT",
         "start_last_seq" : 0,
         "end_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:14 GMT",
         "missing_checked" : 0,
         "docs_written" : 1000,
         "missing_found" : 1000
   "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
   "source_last_seq" : 1000

The structure defines the replication status, as described in the table below:

  • history [array]: Replication History
    • doc_write_failures: Number of document write failures
    • docs_read: Number of documents read
    • docs_written: Number of documents written to target
    • end_last_seq: Last sequence number in changes stream
    • end_time: Date/Time replication operation completed
    • missing_checked: Number of missing documents checked
    • missing_found: Number of missing documents found
    • recorded_seq: Last recorded sequence number
    • session_id: Session ID for this replication operation
    • start_last_seq: First sequence number in changes stream
    • start_time: Date/Time replication operation started
  • ok: Replication status
  • session_id: Unique session ID
  • source_last_seq: Last sequence number read from source database Continuous Replication

Synchronization of a database with the previously noted methods happens only once, at the time the replicate request is made. To have the target database permanently replicated from the source, you must set the continuous field of the JSON object within the request to true.

With continuous replication changes in the source database are replicated to the target database in perpetuity until you specifically request that replication ceases.

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

   "continuous" : true
   "source" : "recipes",
   "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",

Changes will be replicated between the two databases as long as a network connection is available between the two instances.


Two keep two databases synchronized with each other, you need to set replication in both directions; that is, you must replicate from databasea to databaseb, and separately from databaseb to databasea. Canceling Continuous Replication

You can cancel continuous replication by adding the cancel field to the JSON request object and setting the value to true. Note that the structure of the request must be identical to the original for the cancellation request to be honoured. For example, if you requested continuous replication, the cancellation request must also contain the continuous field.

For example, the replication request:

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

   "source" : "recipes",
   "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
   "create_target" : true,
   "continuous" : true

Must be canceled using the request:

POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "cancel" : true,
    "continuous" : true
    "create_target" : true,
    "source" : "recipes",
    "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",

Requesting cancellation of a replication that does not exist results in a 404 error.

8.5.6. POST /_restart

  • Method: POST /_restart
  • Request: None
  • Response: JSON status message
  • Admin Privileges Required: yes
  • HTTP Headers:
    • Header: Content-Type
      • Description: Request content type
      • Optional: no
      • Value: application/json
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Replication request successfully completed

Restarts the CouchDB instance. You must be authenticated as a user with administration privileges for this to work.

For example:

POST http://admin:password@couchdb:5984/_restart

The return value (if the server has not already restarted) is a JSON status object indicating that the request has been received:

   "ok" : true,

If the server has already restarted, the header may be returned, but no actual data is contained in the response.

8.5.7. GET /_stats

  • Method: GET /_stats
  • Request: None
  • Response: Server statistics
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

The _stats method returns a JSON object containing the statistics for the running server. The object is structured with top-level sections collating the statistics for a range of entries, with each individual statistic being easily identified, and the content of each statistic is self-describing. For example, the request time statistics, within the couchdb section are structured as follows:

   "couchdb" : {
      "request_time" : {
         "stddev" : "27.509",
         "min" : "0.333333333333333",
         "max" : "152",
         "current" : "400.976",
         "mean" : "10.837",
         "sum" : "400.976",
         "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"

The fields provide the current, minimum and maximum, and a collection of statistical means and quantities. The quantity in each case is not defined, but the descriptions below provide

The statistics are divided into the following top-level sections:

  • couchdb: Describes statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.

    Statistic ID




    Number of authentication cache hits



    Number of authentication cache misses



    Number of times a document was read from a database



    Number of times a database was changed



    Number of open databases



    Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open



    Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb


  • httpd_request_methods

    Statistic ID




    Number of HTTP COPY requests



    Number of HTTP DELETE requests



    Number of HTTP GET requests



    Number of HTTP HEAD requests



    Number of HTTP POST requests



    Number of HTTP PUT requests


  • httpd_status_codes

    Statistic ID




    Number of HTTP 200 OK responses



    Number of HTTP 201 Created responses



    Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses



    Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses



    Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses



    Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses



    Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses



    Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses



    Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses



    Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses



    Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses



    Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses



    Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses


  • httpd

    Statistic ID




    Number of bulk requests



    Number of clients for continuous _changes



    Number of HTTP requests



    Number of temporary view reads



    Number of view reads


You can also access individual statistics by quoting the statistics sections and statistic ID as part of the URL path. For example, to get the request_time statistics, you can use:

GET /_stats/couchdb/request_time

This returns an entire statistics object, as with the full request, but containing only the request individual statistic. Hence, the returned structure is as follows:

   "couchdb" : {
      "request_time" : {
         "stddev" : 7454.305,
         "min" : 1,
         "max" : 34185,
         "current" : 34697.803,
         "mean" : 1652.276,
         "sum" : 34697.803,
         "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"

8.5.8. GET /_utils

  • Method: GET /_utils
  • Request: None
  • Response: Administration interface
  • Admin Privileges Required: no

Accesses the built-in Futon administration interface for CouchDB.

8.5.9. GET /_uuids

  • Method: GET /_uuids
  • Request: None
  • Response: List of UUIDs
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Query Arguments:
    • Argument: count
      • Description: Number of UUIDs to return
      • Optional: yes
      • Type: numeric
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.

Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from the CouchDB instance. The response is a JSON object providing a list of UUIDs. For example:

   "uuids" : [

You can use the count argument to specify the number of UUIDs to be returned. For example:

GET http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5


   "uuids" : [

The UUID type is determined by the UUID type setting in the CouchDB configuration. See PUT /_config/section/key.

For example, changing the UUID type to random:

PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*


When obtaining a list of UUIDs:

   "uuids" : [

8.5.10. GET /favicon.ico

  • Method: GET /favicon.ico
  • Request: None
  • Response: Binary content for the favicon.ico site icon
  • Admin Privileges Required: no
  • Return Codes:
    • 200: Request completed successfully.
    • 404: The requested content could not be found. The returned content will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.

Returns the site icon. The return Content-Type header is image/x-icon, and the content stream is the image data.