15.3. 1.6.x Branch

15.3.1. Upgrade Notes

The Proxy Authentication handler was renamed to proxy_authentication_handler to follow the *_authentication_handler form of all other handlers. The old proxy_authentification_handler name is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future releases. It’s strongly recommended to update httpd/authentication_handlers option with new value in case if you had used such handler.

15.3.2. Version 1.6.0

  • COUCHDB-2200: support Erlang/OTP 17.0 #35e16032
  • Fauxton: many improvements in our experimental new user interface, including switching the code editor from CodeMirror to Ace as well as better support for various browsers.
  • Add the max_count option (UUIDs Configuration) to allow rate-limiting the amount of UUIDs that can be requested from the /_uuids handler in a single request (CVE 2014-2668).
  • COUCHDB-1986: increase socket buffer size to improve replication speed for large documents and attachments, and fix tests on BSD-like systems. #9a0e561b
  • COUCHDB-1953: improve performance of multipart/related requests. #ce3e89dc
  • COUCHDB-2221: verify that authentication-related configuration settings are well-formed. #dbe769c6
  • COUCHDB-1922: fix CORS exposed headers. #4f619833
  • Rename proxy_authentification_handler to proxy_authentication_handler. #c66ac4a8
  • COUCHDB-1795: ensure the startup script clears the pid file on termination. #818ef4f9
  • COUCHDB-1962: replication can now be performed without having write access to the source database (#1d5fe2aa), the replication checkpoint interval is now configurable (#0693f98e).
  • COUCHDB-2025: add support for SOCKS5 proxies for replication. #fcd76c9
  • COUCHDB-1930: redirect to the correct page after submitting a new document with a different ID than the one suggested by Futon. #4906b591
  • COUCHDB-1923: add support for attachments and att_encoding_info options (formerly only available on the documents API) to the view API. #ca41964b
  • COUCHDB-1647: for failed replications originating from a document in the _replicator database, store the failure reason in the document. #08cac68b
  • A number of improvements for the documentation.