ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:
Standard JBI components
The following components ships with ServiceMix distribution:
Components Roadmap
The following list shows the future components that will be included in ServiceMix distribution :
Third Party Standard JBI Components
These components are a wonderful benefit of JBI that is a direct result of the JBI spec. Because the JBI spec is open, many vendors provide JBI compliant components that can be deployed in ServiceMix.
Apache ODE
Apache Ode is a BPEL engine which provides a JBI compliant component that can be easily deployed into ServiceMix.
Sun OpenESB JBI Components
The Sun OpenESB is based on JBI and provides many JBI compliant components that can also be used in ServiceMix.
ObjectWeb Petals Components
The Petals ESB is also based on JBI and provides JBI compliant components as well.
Various Highly Useful JBI Components
- Support for WS-BPEL is provided via Apache ODE
- BpmScript is a Business Process Engine written using Rhino continuations
- JAFS is an FTP server embedded in a JBI component
- JBI4Corba a JBI component for working with CORBA services
- JBI4Cics a JBI component for working with CICS services
- JBI4Ejb a JBI component for working for existing EJBs
Lightweight components
ServiceMix also provides some Lightweight components, but theses are rather deprecated and the standard JBI components above should be used instead.