ServiceMix File

The ServiceMix File component provides JBI integration to the file system. It can be used to read & write files via URI or to periodically poll directories for new files.

Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1.


You can use the familiar file URI to communicate with files



Provider endpoint
<file:sender service="test:service"
             directory="file:target/pollerFiles" />
Polling (consumer) endpoint
<file:poller service="test:poller"
             file="file:target/pollerFiles" />

Poller generates an InOnly message

Poller endpoint attributes
Name Type Description Default
service QName the service name of the endpoint required to be spec'd
endpoint string the endpoint name of the endpoint required to be spec'd
interfaceName QName the interface name of the endpoint  
targetService QName the service name of the target endpoint  
targetEndPoint string the endpoint name of the target endpoint  
targetInterface QName the interface name of the target endpoint  
targetUri string the uri of the target endpoint  
autoCreateDirectory boolean creates dir if doesn't exist true
firstTime date datetime before first poll can take place null (first poll right after start)
delay long amount of time first polling is delayed after start 0
period long amount of time between polls 5000
file string sets the file or directory to poll null (must be spec'd)
deleteFile boolean delete file when it is processed true
recursive boolean process sub directories true
marshaler class org.apache.servicemix.components.util.FileMarshaler DefaultFileMarshaler
lockManager class org.apache.servicemix.locks.LockManager SimpleLockManager
filter class (optional filter) null - no filter
scheduler class org.apache.servicemix.components.varscheduler.Scheduler new Scheduler(true)
archive string sets the directory to archive files before deleting them
(available since 3.2)
null (no archiving)


Sender endpoint attributes
Name Type Description Default
service QName the service name of the endpoint required to be spec'd
endpoint string the endpoint name of the endpoint required to be spec'd
directory file   required to be spec'd
autoCreateDirectory boolean   true
append boolean append to an existing file instead of overwriting it (3.3 or above) false
marshaler class org.apache.servicemix.components.util.FileMarshaler DefaultFileMarshaler
tempFilePrefix string   "servicemix-"
tempFileSuffix string   ".xml"

For all xbean file endpoint configuration take a look at Xml schemas


Filtering of files to use during the polling process can be accomplished by configuring the filter property.

Filter example
<file:poller service="test:poller" endpoint="poller"
	file="file:inbox" targetService="test:service"
	targetEndpoint="endpoint" period="10000" recursive="true">
	<property name="filter">
		<bean class="">
			<constructor-arg value="*.xml" />

In the example above, the Apache ORO jar must be in the classpath. See:

ServiceMix 3.2 Filter example
<file:poller service="test:poller" endpoint="poller"
	file="file:inbox" targetService="test:service"
	targetEndpoint="endpoint" period="10000" recursive="true">
        <property name="filter">
            <bean class="">
                <constructor-arg value="*.csv" />

In the example above it uses Apache Commons IO WildcardFilter as it implements FileFilter. The Apache Commons IO jar file must be in the classpath. See:


By default, poller endpoints expect the content of the file to be in xml format.

Marshaler example
<file:sender service="test:service" endpoint="endpoint" directory="file:target/componentOutput">
        <!-- lets use a header from the message -->
        <sm:xpathString xpath="concat($name, '.xml')"/>

Below is an example of a non-XML file marshaler that moves a file from an inbox to an outbox directory. The binary marshaler sends a message with the file attached. This allows any file to be processed.

The contents below were used in an xbean.xml file for a service unit named filemover

Binary File Marshaler example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:f=""

  <f:sender service="proj:fileSender"

    <property name="marshaler">
      <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.util.BinaryFileMarshaler" />


      <property name="marshaler">
        <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.util.BinaryFileMarshaler" />