Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Tag Developers Guide > Struts Tags > Tag Reference > Generic Tag Reference > a
Added by Jay Bose, last edited by Don Brown on Jan 06, 2007  (view change)


A tag that creates a HTML <a >.This tag supports the same attributes as the "url" tag, including nested parameters using the "param" tag.

While this tag can be used with the simple theme, xhtml theme, and others, it is really designed to work best with the ajax theme. We recommend reading the ajax a template documentation for more details.


Dynamic Attributes Allowed:








accesskey false false String Set the html accesskey attribute on rendered html element
action false false String The action to generate the URL for, if not using value
anchor false false String The anchor for this URL
cssClass false false String The css class to use for element
cssErrorClass false false String The css error class to use for element
cssErrorStyle false false String The css error style definitions for element to use
cssStyle false false String The css style definitions for element to use
disabled false false String Set the html disabled attribute on rendered html element
encode false true false Boolean Whether to encode parameters
escapeAmp false true false Boolean Specifies whether to escape ampersand (&) to (&amp or not
forceAddSchemeHostAndPort false false false Boolean Specifies whether to force the addition of scheme, host and port or not
href false false String The URL.
id false false String HTML id attribute
includeContext false true false Boolean Whether actual context should be included in URL
includeParams false none false String The includeParams attribute may have the value 'none', 'get' or 'all'
javascriptTooltip false false false Boolean Use JavaScript to generate tooltips
key false false String Set the key (name, value, label) for this particular component
label false false String Label expression used for rendering an element specific label
labelSeparator false : false String String that will be appended to the label
labelposition false false String Define label position of form element (top/left)
method false false String The method of action to use
name false false String The name to set for element
namespace false false String The namespace to use
onblur false false String Set the html onblur attribute on rendered html element
onchange false false String Set the html onchange attribute on rendered html element
onclick false false String Set the html onclick attribute on rendered html element
ondblclick false false String Set the html ondblclick attribute on rendered html element
onfocus false false String Set the html onfocus attribute on rendered html element
onkeydown false false String Set the html onkeydown attribute on rendered html element
onkeypress false false String Set the html onkeypress attribute on rendered html element
onkeyup false false String Set the html onkeyup attribute on rendered html element
onmousedown false false String Set the html onmousedown attribute on rendered html element
onmousemove false false String Set the html onmousemove attribute on rendered html element
onmouseout false false String Set the html onmouseout attribute on rendered html element
onmouseover false false String Set the html onmouseover attribute on rendered html element
onmouseup false false String Set the html onmouseup attribute on rendered html element
onselect false false String Set the html onselect attribute on rendered html element
openTemplate false false String Set template to use for opening the rendered html.
portletMode false false String The resulting portlet mode
portletUrlType false false String Specifies if this should be a portlet render or action URL. Default is "render". To create an action URL, use "action".
required false false false Boolean If set to true, the rendered element will indicate that input is required
requiredposition false false String Define required position of required form element (left|right)
scheme false false String Set scheme attribute
tabindex false false String Set the html tabindex attribute on rendered html element
template false false String The template (other than default) to use for rendering the element
templateDir false false String The template directory.
theme false false String The theme (other than default) to use for rendering the element
title false false String Set the html title attribute on rendered html element
tooltip false false String Set the tooltip of this particular component
tooltipConfig false false String Deprecated. Use individual tooltip configuration attributes instead.
tooltipCssClass false StrutsTTClassic false String CSS class applied to JavaScrip tooltips
tooltipDelay false Classic false String Delay in milliseconds, before showing JavaScript tooltips
tooltipIconPath false false String Icon path used for image that will have the tooltip
value false false String The target value to use, if not using action
windowState false false String The resulting portlet window state


To get started, use the head tag and the ajax theme. See ajax head template for more information. Then look at the usage details for the ajax a template.

If you want to use additional parameters in your s:a the best practice is to use a s:url to create your url and then leverage this url into your s:a tag. This is done by creating a s:url and specifying an id attribute.. like "testUrlId" in this example. Then in the s:a tag reference this id in the href attribute via " %{testUrlId}"

<s:url id="testUrlId" namespace="/subscriber" action="customField" method="delete">
                  <s:param name="customFieldDefinition.id" value="${id}"/>
             <s:a errorText="Sorry your request had an error." preInvokeJS="confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?')" href="%{testUrlId}">
                    <img src="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/></s:a>

<img xsrc="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/></s:a><img xsrc="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/></s:a>