Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Tag Developers Guide > Struts Tags > Tag Reference > UI Tag Reference > doubleselect
Added by Jay Bose, last edited by Don Brown on Jan 06, 2007  (view change)
Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.

Note that the doublelistkey and doublelistvalue attribute will default to "key" and "value" respectively only when the doublelist attribute is evaluated to a Map or its decendant. Other thing else, will result in doublelistkey and doublelistvalue to be null and not used.


Renders two HTML select elements with second one changing displayed values depending on selected entry of first one.


Dynamic Attributes Allowed:








accesskey false false String Set the html accesskey attribute on rendered html element
cssClass false false String The css class to use for element
cssErrorClass false false String The css error class to use for element
cssErrorStyle false false String The css error style definitions for element to use
cssStyle false false String The css style definitions for element to use
disabled false false String Set the html disabled attribute on rendered html element
doubleAccesskey false false String Set the html accesskey attribute.
doubleCssClass false false String The css class for the second list
doubleCssStyle false false String The css style for the second list
doubleDisabled false false String Decides if a disable attribute should be added to the second list
doubleEmptyOption false false String Decides if the second list will add an empty option
doubleHeaderKey false false String The header key for the second list
doubleHeaderValue false false String The header value for the second list
doubleId false false String The id of the second list
doubleList true false String The second iterable source to populate from.
doubleListKey false false String The key expression to use for second list
doubleListValue false false String The value expression to use for second list
doubleMultiple false false String Decides if multiple attribute should be set on the second list
doubleName true false String The name for complete component
doubleOnblur false false String Set the onblur attribute of the second list
doubleOnchange false false String Set the onchange attribute of the second list
doubleOnclick false false String Set the onclick attribute of the second list
doubleOndblclick false false String Set the ondbclick attribute of the second list
doubleOnfocus false false String Set the onfocus attribute of the second list
doubleOnkeydown false false String Set the onkeydown attribute of the second list
doubleOnkeypress false false String Set the onkeypress attribute of the second list
doubleOnkeyup false false String Set the onkeyup attribute of the second list
doubleOnmousedown false false String Set the onmousedown attribute of the second list
doubleOnmousemove false false String Set the onmousemove attribute of the second list
doubleOnmouseout false false String Set the onmouseout attribute of the second list
doubleOnmouseover false false String Set the onmouseover attribute of the second list
doubleOnmouseup false false String Set the onmouseup attribute of the second list
doubleOnselect false false String Set the onselect attribute of the second list
doubleSize false false String Set the size attribute of the second list
doubleValue false false String The value expression for complete component
emptyOption false false false Boolean Decides of an empty option is to be inserted in the second list
formName false false String The form name this component resides in and populates to
headerKey false false String Set the header key of the second list. Must not be empty! '-1' and '' is correct, '' is bad.
headerValue false false String Set the header value of the second list
id false false String HTML id attribute
javascriptTooltip false false false Boolean Use JavaScript to generate tooltips
key false false String Set the key (name, value, label) for this particular component
label false false String Label expression used for rendering an element specific label
labelSeparator false : false String String that will be appended to the label
labelposition false false String Define label position of form element (top/left)
list true false String Iterable source to populate from. If the list is a Map (key, value), the Map key will become the option 'value' parameter and the Map value will become the option body.
listKey false false String Property of list objects to get field value from
listValue false false String Property of list objects to get field content from
multiple false false String Creates a multiple select. The tag will pre-select multiple values if the values are passed as an Array (of appropriate types) via the value attribute.
name false false String The name to set for element
onblur false false String Set the html onblur attribute on rendered html element
onchange false false String Set the html onchange attribute on rendered html element
onclick false false String Set the html onclick attribute on rendered html element
ondblclick false false String Set the html ondblclick attribute on rendered html element
onfocus false false String Set the html onfocus attribute on rendered html element
onkeydown false false String Set the html onkeydown attribute on rendered html element
onkeypress false false String Set the html onkeypress attribute on rendered html element
onkeyup false false String Set the html onkeyup attribute on rendered html element
onmousedown false false String Set the html onmousedown attribute on rendered html element
onmousemove false false String Set the html onmousemove attribute on rendered html element
onmouseout false false String Set the html onmouseout attribute on rendered html element
onmouseover false false String Set the html onmouseover attribute on rendered html element
onmouseup false false String Set the html onmouseup attribute on rendered html element
onselect false false String Set the html onselect attribute on rendered html element
required false false false Boolean If set to true, the rendered element will indicate that input is required
requiredposition false false String Define required position of required form element (left|right)
size false false Integer Size of the element box (# of elements to show)
tabindex false false String Set the html tabindex attribute on rendered html element
template false false String The template (other than default) to use for rendering the element
templateDir false false String The template directory.
theme false false String The theme (other than default) to use for rendering the element
title false false String Set the html title attribute on rendered html element
tooltip false false String Set the tooltip of this particular component
tooltipConfig false false String Deprecated. Use individual tooltip configuration attributes instead.
tooltipCssClass false StrutsTTClassic false String CSS class applied to JavaScrip tooltips
tooltipDelay false Classic false String Delay in milliseconds, before showing JavaScript tooltips
tooltipIconPath false false String Icon path used for image that will have the tooltip
value false false String Preset the value of input element.


<s:doubleselect label="doubleselect test1" name="menu" list="{'fruit','other'}" doubleName="dishes" doubleList="top == 'fruit' ? {'apple', 'orange'} : {'monkey', 'chicken'}" />
<s:doubleselect label="doubleselect test2" name="menu" list="#{'fruit':'Nice Fruits', 'other':'Other Dishes'}" doubleName="dishes" doubleList="top == 'fruit' ? {'apple', 'orange'} : {'monkey', 'chicken'}" />