Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > FAQs > What are some of the framework's best features
Added by Ted Husted, last edited by Ted Husted on Jul 22, 2006  (view change)

Key features of the framework include:


  • Pluggable framework architecture that allows request lifecycles to be customized for each action.
  • Flexible Validation framework that allows validation rules to be decoupled from action code.
  • Hierarchical approach to internationalization that simplifies localizing applications.
  • Automatic Type Conversion that transparently maps values from HTTP to native Java data objects, solving one of the most tedious efforts when creating web applications.
  • Integrated Dependency Injection engine that manages component lifecycle and dependencies. (By default, the framework utilizes Spring for dependency injection.)
  • Modular Configuration Files that use packages and namespaces to simplify managing large projects with hundreds of actions.
  • Java 5 annotations that reduce configuration overhead. (Java 1.4 is the minimum platform.)


  • Reusable user interface tags that allow for easy component-oriented development using Themes and Templates. Bundled tags ranges from simple text fields to advanced tags like date pickers and tree views.
  • JSTL-compatible expression language (OGNL) that exposes properties on multiple objects as if they were a single JavaBean.
  • Pluggable Result Types that support multiple view technologies, including JSP, FreeMarker, Velocity, PDF, and JasperReports.
  • Optional ajax theme that simplifes creating interactive web applications.
  • Optional Interceptor plugins that can execute long-running queries in the background, prevent multiple form submissions, or handle custom security schemes.
