Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Core Developers Guide > Accessing application, session, request objects
Added by casey, last edited by Dave Newton on Feb 04, 2007  (view change)

The framework provides several access helpers to access Session, Application, Request scopes.
Web agnostic (independent of the servlet API) with a single line of code.

Access session via a context entry
Map session = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("session");
Access session via a helper method (avoids cast)

Do not use ActionContext.getContext() in the constructor of your Action class. The values may not be set up, and the call may return null for getSession().

If you must have get access to the HttpSession, use the ServletConfigInterceptor (see test:Interceptors).

In your views, you can access with your JavaServer Pages with calls to the implicit properties session and request.

Accessing the Session or Request from a JSP
<saf: property value="#session.myId" />

<saf: property value="#request.myId" />

All the servlet scopes can be accessed via the ActionContext.

Accessing servlet scopes
Map request = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("request");

Map application = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("application");

Map session = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("session");
session.put("myId", myProp);

Map attr = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("attr");

The attr map will search the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext for the specified key. If the PageContext doean't exist, it will search request}, {{session, and application respectively.