Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Migration Guide > Release Notes 2.0.3
Added by Ted Husted, last edited by Ted Husted on Jan 29, 2007  (view change)

These are the notes for the Struts 2.0.3 distribution.

For prior notes in this release series, see Release Notes 2.0.2

  • If you are a Maven user, you might want to get started using the Maven Archetype.
  • Another quick-start entry point is the blank application. Rename and deploy the WAR as a starting point for your own development.
Maven Dependency
Snapshot Repository
    <name>ASF Maven 2 Snapshot</name>

Internal Changes

  • Allow new template engines and tag libraries to be discovered automatically (WW-1590).
  • Create aggregated Struts 2 and XWork Javadoc (WW-1395_.
  • Generate Taglib TLD from annotations/xdoclet tags (WW-1392).
  • Various fixes. See the detailed notes for more.

Experimental Features and Plugins

Please help us test these brave new features. Feedback appreciated!

  • Portlets: Automatic portlet support allows portal and servlet deployments with no code changes (WW-1645@S2jira).
  • AJAX Theme: AJAX tags look and feel just like standard Struts tags but provide greater interactivity and flexibility. The AJAX theme is backed by the popular Dojo Toolkit (WW-1609).
  • Codebehind Plugin: Reduce mundane configuration by using "page controller" conventions (WW-1515).
  • Zero Configuration: Optionally, eliminate or reduce XML configuration with convention and annotation (WW-1491).
  • REST-ful URLs: Use search-engine friendly URLs, like category/action/movie/Thrillers (WW-1475).
  • Experimental Plugins
    • Plexus Plugin - A new plugin that enables Struts Actions, Interceptors, and Results to be created and injected by Plexus.
    • Scope Plugin - Initial version of scope plugin that mimics JBoss Seam-style of scoped bijection (presently in the Sandbox).
    • Struts1 Plugin - A new plugin that allows you to use existing Struts 1 Actions and ActionForms in Struts 2 applications..
    • Tiles Plugin - A new plugin allows your Struts actions to return Tiles pages. The Tiles plugin is dependant on Tiles 2, which is still in beta.

Issue Detail

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