Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Core Developers Guide > Validation > Using Non Field Validators
Added by tm_jee, last edited by Ted Husted on Sep 10, 2006  (view change)


The followings show a simple example using Webwork's Non Field Validators

Step 1

Create the jsp page

<s:actionerror />
<s:form method="POST" action="submitNonFieldValidatorsExamples" namespace="/validation">
    <s:textfield name="someText" label="Some Text" />
    <s:textfield name="someTextRetype" label="Retype Some Text" />  
    <s:textfield name="someTextRetypeAgain" label="Retype Some Text Again" />
    <s:submit label="Submit" />

Step 2

Create the action class

public class NonFieldValidatorsExampleAction extends AbstractValidationActionSupport {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -524460368233581186L;

    private String someText;
    private String someTextRetype;
    private String someTextRetypeAgain;

    public String getSomeText() {
        return someText;
    public void setSomeText(String someText) {
        this.someText = someText;
    public String getSomeTextRetype() {
        return someTextRetype;
    public void setSomeTextRetype(String someTextRetype) {
        this.someTextRetype = someTextRetype;
    public String getSomeTextRetypeAgain() {
        return someTextRetypeAgain;
    public void setSomeTextRetypeAgain(String someTextRetypeAgain) {
        this.someTextRetypeAgain = someTextRetypeAgain;

Step 3

Create the validator.xml.

An error occurred: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/struts2/trunk/apps/showcase/src/main/java/org/apache/struts2/showcase/validation/NonFieldValidatorsExampleAction-submitNonFieldValidatorsExamples-validation.xml. The system administrator has been notified.