Package epydoc :: Module apidoc :: Class NamespaceDoc
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Class NamespaceDoc

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API documentation information about a singe Python namespace value. (I.e., a module or a class).

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Construct a new APIDoc object.
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Does this object deserve a box with extra details?
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apidoc_links(self, **filters) source code
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Initialize the sorted_variables attribute, based on the variables and sort_spec attributes.
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Initialize the variable_groups attribute, based on the sorted_variables and group_specs attributes.
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Return a list of the group names defined by this namespace, in the order in which they should be listed, with no duplicates.
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_init_grouping(self, elts)
Divide a given a list of APIDoc objects into groups, as specified by self.group_specs.
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Inherited from ValueDoc: __getstate__, __repr__, __setstate__

Inherited from APIDoc: __cmp__, __hash__, __setattr__, __str__, merge_and_overwrite, pp, specialize_to

Inherited from APIDoc (private): _debug_setattr

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__

    Value Representation

Inherited from ValueDoc: pyval_repr, summary_pyval_repr

Class Variables [hide private]
    Value Representation


Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ValueDoc: canonical_name, toktree

    Information about Variables
dict from string to VariableDoc variables = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The contents of the namespace, encoded as a dictionary mapping from identifiers to VariableDocs.
list of VariableDoc sorted_variables = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A list of all variables defined by this namespace, in sorted order.
list of str sort_spec = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The order in which variables should be listed, encoded as a list of names.
list of (str,list) group_specs = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The groups that are defined by this namespace's docstrings.
dict from str to list of VariableDoc variable_groups = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A dictionary specifying what group each variable belongs to.
    Value Representation

Inherited from ValueDoc: parse_repr, pyval


Inherited from ValueDoc: defining_module

    Information about Imported Variables

Inherited from ValueDoc: proxy_for


Inherited from APIDoc: docstring, docstring_lineno

    Information Extracted from Docstrings

Inherited from APIDoc: descr, extra_docstring_fields, metadata, other_docs, summary

    Source Information

Inherited from APIDoc: docs_extracted_by

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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call graph 
Construct a new APIDoc object. Keyword arguments may be used to initialize the new APIDoc's attributes.
Overrides: APIDoc.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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call graph 
Does this object deserve a box with extra details?
Returns: bool
True if the object needs extra details, else False.
Overrides: APIDoc.is_detailed
(inherited documentation)

apidoc_links(self, **filters)

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Overrides: ValueDoc.apidoc_links


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Initialize the sorted_variables attribute, based on the variables and sort_spec attributes. This should usually be called after all variables have been added to variables (including any inherited variables for classes).

_init_grouping(self, elts)

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Divide a given a list of APIDoc objects into groups, as specified by self.group_specs.
  • elts - A list of tuples (name, apidoc).
A list of tuples (groupname, elts), where groupname is the name of a group and elts is a list of APIDocs in that group. The first tuple has name '', and is used for ungrouped elements. The remaining tuples are listed in the order that they appear in self.group_specs. Within each tuple, the elements are listed in the order that they appear in api_docs.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


The contents of the namespace, encoded as a dictionary mapping from identifiers to VariableDocs. This dictionary contains all names defined by the namespace, including imported variables, aliased variables, and variables inherited from base classes (once inherit_docs() has added them).
dict from string to VariableDoc


A list of all variables defined by this namespace, in sorted order. The elements of this list should exactly match the values of variables. The sort order for this list is defined as follows:
  • Any variables listed in a @sort docstring field are listed in the order given by that field.
  • These are followed by any variables that were found while parsing the source code, in the order in which they were defined in the source file.
  • Finally, any remaining variables are listed in alphabetical order.
list of VariableDoc


The order in which variables should be listed, encoded as a list of names. Any variables whose names are not included in this list should be listed alphabetically, following the variables that are included.
list of str


The groups that are defined by this namespace's docstrings. group_specs is encoded as an ordered list of tuples (group_name, elt_names), where group_name is the

name of a group and elt_names is a list of element names in that group. (An element can be a variable or a submodule.) A '*' in an element name will match any string of characters.
list of (str,list)


A dictionary specifying what group each variable belongs to. The keys of the dictionary are group names, and the values are lists of VariableDocs. The order that groups should be listed in should be taken from group_specs.
dict from str to list of VariableDoc