Package epydoc :: Package markup :: Module epytext :: Class Element
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Class Element

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A very simple DOM-like representation for parsed epytext documents. Each epytext document is encoded as a tree whose nodes are Element objects, and whose leaves are strings. Each node is marked by a tag and zero or more attributes. Each attribute is a mapping from a string key to a string value.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, tag, *children, **attribs) source code
call graph 
Return a string representation of this element, using XML notation.
source code
__repr__(self) source code
call graph 
Instance Variables [hide private]
string tag
A string tag indicating the type of this element.
list of (string or Element) children
A list of the children of this element.
dict from string to string attribs
A dictionary mapping attribute names to attribute values for this element.
Method Details [hide private]

(Informal representation operator)

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Return a string representation of this element, using XML notation.

Bug: Doesn't escape '<' or '&' or '>'.