Package epydoc :: Package markup :: Module restructuredtext :: Class OptimizedReporter
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Class OptimizedReporter

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A reporter that ignores all debug messages. This is used to shave a couple seconds off of epydoc's run time, since docutils isn't very fast about processing its own debug messages.

Instance Methods [hide private]
debug(self, *args, **kwargs)
Level-0, "DEBUG": an internal reporting issue.
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Inherited from docutils.utils.Reporter: __init__, attach_observer, detach_observer, error, info, notify_observers, set_conditions, severe, system_message, warning

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from docutils.utils.Reporter: levels

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from docutils.utils.Reporter: debug_flag, encoding, error_handler, halt_level, max_level, observers, report_level, source, stream

Method Details [hide private]

debug(self, *args, **kwargs)

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call graph 
Level-0, "DEBUG": an internal reporting issue. Typically, there is no effect on the processing. Level-0 system messages are handled separately from the others.
Overrides: docutils.utils.Reporter.debug
(inherited documentation)