Interface IWebDBWriter

All Known Implementing Classes:
DistributedWebDBWriter, WebDBWriter

public interface IWebDBWriter

IWebDBWriter is an interface to the consolidated page/link database. It permits certain kinds of operations. This database may be implemented in several different ways (single or muli-pass, single-machine or distributed). The user of this interface has no idea which one is being used. They all commit to the IWebDBWriter contract. Note that changes to a webdb are finalized upon the call to close(). Before the call to close() returns, any readers of the database should see the db in a pristine pre-write state.

Mike Cafarella

Method Summary
 void addLink(Link link)
          addLink(Link) will add the given Link to the webdb.
 void addPage(Page page)
          addPage(Page page) will insert a Page object into the webdb.
 void addPageIfNotPresent(Page page)
          addPageIfNotPresent(Page) works just like addPage(), except that the insertion will not take place if there is already a Page with that URL in the webdb.
 void addPageIfNotPresent(Page page, Link link)
          addPageIfNotPresent(Page, Link) works just like the above addPage(), except that a Link is also conditionally added to the webdb.
 void addPageWithScore(Page page)
          addPageWithScore(Page page) inserts a Page into the webdb.
 void close()
          Flush and complete all writes to the db.
 void deletePage(String url)
          deletePage(url) will remove a Page object from the db with the given URL.

Method Detail


public void close()
           throws IOException
Flush and complete all writes to the db.



public void addPage(Page page)
             throws IOException
addPage(Page page) will insert a Page object into the webdb. If the Page already exists, the existing one will be overwritten. (Except for the link analysis score, which we try to attach to a given URL. If an existing Page is overwritten, we will retain the link score.) Page objects are uniquified by their URLs. It's fine to have many Pages with different URLs but identical MD5s. (Indeed, that happens all the time with duplicated pages.) But every Page in the db must have its own URL.



public void addPageWithScore(Page page)
                      throws IOException
addPageWithScore(Page page) inserts a Page into the webdb. It works just like the above function, except that link scores are not preserved if the inserted object already exists. The inserted object's score will replace one that may already be there. This function is useful for the Link Analysis program.



public void addPageIfNotPresent(Page page)
                         throws IOException
addPageIfNotPresent(Page) works just like addPage(), except that the insertion will not take place if there is already a Page with that URL in the webdb. In that case, the call to addPage() is simply ignored.



public void addPageIfNotPresent(Page page,
                                Link link)
                         throws IOException
addPageIfNotPresent(Page, Link) works just like the above addPage(), except that a Link is also conditionally added to the webdb.



public void deletePage(String url)
                throws IOException
deletePage(url) will remove a Page object from the db with the given URL. Fails silently if there is no Page with the given URL.



public void addLink(Link link)
             throws IOException
addLink(Link) will add the given Link to the webdb. If the Link already exists, the existing one will be overwritten. Links are uniquified by both source MD5 and target URL. Two Links are considered identical only if they match both fields. Links are only permitted in the webdb if they have a valid source MD5 for a Page that is also in the webdb. When a Page is removed, the webdb will automatically remove Links as appropriate. (Note that since there can be multiple URLs with identical content, the webdb basically needs to do reference-counting for each Link's source-MD5.)


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