Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWebDBWriter
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure.   

Uses of IWebDBWriter in org.apache.nutch.db

Classes in org.apache.nutch.db that implement IWebDBWriter
 class DistributedWebDBWriter
          This is a wrapper class that allows us to reorder write operations to the linkdb and pagedb.
 class WebDBWriter
          This is a wrapper class that allows us to reorder write operations to the linkdb and pagedb.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type IWebDBWriter
WebDBInjector(IWebDBWriter dbWriter)
          WebDBInjector takes a reference to a WebDBWriter that it should add to.

Uses of IWebDBWriter in

Constructors in with parameters of type IWebDBWriter
UpdateDatabaseTool(IWebDBWriter webdb, boolean additionsAllowed, int maxCount)
          Take in the WebDBWriter, instantiated elsewhere.

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