Uses of Class

Packages that use Link
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure. 

Uses of Link in org.apache.nutch.db

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db that return Link
 Link WebDBWriter.PageInstruction.getLink()
 Link WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.getLink()
 Link[] WebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Get all the hyperlinks that link TO the indicated URL.
 Link[] WebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Grab all the links from the given MD5 hash.
 Link DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.getLink()
static Link in)
 Link DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction.getLink()
 Link[] IWebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Return any Link objects that point to the given URL.
 Link[] IWebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Return all the Link objects that originate from a document with the given MD5 checksum.
 Link[] DistributedWebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Get all the hyperlinks that link TO the indicated URL.
 Link[] DistributedWebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Grab all the links from the given MD5 hash.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type Link
 void WebDBWriter.addPageIfNotPresent(Page page, Link link)
          Don't replace the one in the database, if there is one.
 void WebDBWriter.addLink(Link lr)
          Add a link to the link database
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstruction.set(Page page, Link link, int opcode)
          Init PageInstruction with a Link
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Page page, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.set(Link link, int instruction)
          Re-init with a Link and an instruction
 void WebDBWriter.LinkInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the LinkInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile and keep the LI for later reuse.
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.set(Link link, int instruction)
          Re-init with a Link and an instruction
 void Link.set(Link that)
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction.set(Page page, Link link, int opcode)
          Init PageInstruction with a Link
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(EditSectionGroupWriter writer, Page page, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void IWebDBWriter.addPageIfNotPresent(Page page, Link link)
          addPageIfNotPresent(Page, Link) works just like the above addPage(), except that a Link is also conditionally added to the webdb.
 void IWebDBWriter.addLink(Link link)
          addLink(Link) will add the given Link to the webdb.
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.addPageIfNotPresent(Page page, Link link)
          Don't replace the one in the database, if there is one.
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.addLink(Link lr)
          Add a link to the link database
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(EditSectionGroupWriter writer, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the LinkInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile and keep the LI for later reuse.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type Link
WebDBWriter.PageInstruction(Page page, Link link, int opcode)
WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction(Link link, int instruction)
DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction(Link link, int instruction)
DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction(Page page, Link link, int opcode)

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