Interface IndexingFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicIndexingFilter, CCIndexingFilter, LanguageIndexingFilter, MoreIndexingFilter

public interface IndexingFilter

Extension point for indexing. Permits one to add metadata to the indexed fields. All plugins found which implement this extension point are run sequentially on the parse.

Field Summary
static String X_POINT_ID
          The name of the extension point.
Method Summary
 Document filter(Document doc, Parse parse, FetcherOutput fo)
          Adds fields or otherwise modifies the document that will be indexed for a parse.

Field Detail


public static final String X_POINT_ID
The name of the extension point.

Method Detail


public Document filter(Document doc,
                       Parse parse,
                       FetcherOutput fo)
                throws IndexingException
Adds fields or otherwise modifies the document that will be indexed for a parse.


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