Package org.apache.nutch.indexer

Maintain Lucene full-text indexes.


Interface Summary
IndexingFilter Extension point for indexing.

Class Summary
DeleteDuplicates Deletes duplicate documents in a set of Lucene indexes.
DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc The key used in sorting for duplicates.
DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc.ByHashDoc Order equal hashes by decreasing index and document.
DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc.ByHashScore Order equal hashes by decreasing score and increasing urlLen.
HighFreqTerms Lists the most frequent terms in an index.
IndexingFilters Creates and caches IndexingFilter implementing plugins.
IndexMerger IndexMerger creates an index for the output corresponding to a single fetcher run.
IndexSegment Creates an index for the output corresponding to a single fetcher run.
NutchSimilarity Similarity implementatation used by Nutch indexing and search.

Exception Summary

Package org.apache.nutch.indexer Description

Maintain Lucene full-text indexes.

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