Class PrefixStringMatcher

  extended byorg.apache.nutch.util.TrieStringMatcher
      extended byorg.apache.nutch.util.PrefixStringMatcher

public class PrefixStringMatcher
extends TrieStringMatcher

A class for efficiently matching Strings against a set of prefixes.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.apache.nutch.util.TrieStringMatcher
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.nutch.util.TrieStringMatcher
Constructor Summary
PrefixStringMatcher(Collection prefixes)
          Creates a new PrefixStringMatcher which will match Strings with any prefix in the supplied Collection.
PrefixStringMatcher(String[] prefixes)
          Creates a new PrefixStringMatcher which will match Strings with any prefix in the supplied array.
Method Summary
 String longestMatch(String input)
          Returns the longest prefix of input that is matched, or null if no match exists.
static void main(String[] argv)
 boolean matches(String input)
          Returns true if the given String is matched by a prefix in the trie
 String shortestMatch(String input)
          Returns the shortest prefix of input that is matched, or null if no match exists.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.nutch.util.TrieStringMatcher
addPatternBackward, addPatternForward, matchChar
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PrefixStringMatcher(String[] prefixes)
Creates a new PrefixStringMatcher which will match Strings with any prefix in the supplied array. Zero-length Strings are ignored.


public PrefixStringMatcher(Collection prefixes)
Creates a new PrefixStringMatcher which will match Strings with any prefix in the supplied Collection.

ClassCastException - if any Objects in the collection are not Strings
Method Detail


public boolean matches(String input)
Returns true if the given String is matched by a prefix in the trie

Specified by:
matches in class TrieStringMatcher


public String shortestMatch(String input)
Returns the shortest prefix of input that is matched, or null if no match exists.

Specified by:
shortestMatch in class TrieStringMatcher


public String longestMatch(String input)
Returns the longest prefix of input that is matched, or null if no match exists.

Specified by:
longestMatch in class TrieStringMatcher


public static final void main(String[] argv)

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