Package org.apache.nutch.util

Class Summary
Daemon A thread that has called Thread.setDaemon(boolean) with true.
FibonacciHeap A Fibonacci Heap, as described in Introduction to Algorithms by Charles E.
GZIPUtils A collection of utility methods for working on GZIPed data.
LogFormatter Prints just the date and the log message.
NutchConf Provides access to Nutch configuration parameters.
PrefixStringMatcher A class for efficiently matching Strings against a set of prefixes.
ScoreStats When we generate a fetchlist, we need to choose a "cutoff" score, such that any scores above that cutoff will be included in the fetchlist.
StringUtil A collection of String processing utility methods.
SuffixStringMatcher A class for efficiently matching Strings against a set of suffixes.
ThreadPool ThreadPool maintains a large set of threads, which can be dedicated to a certain task, and then recycled.
TrieStringMatcher TrieStringMatcher is a base class for simple tree-based string matching.

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