Uses of Class

Packages that use TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode

Uses of TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode in org.apache.nutch.util

Fields in org.apache.nutch.util declared as TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode
protected  TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode TrieStringMatcher.root
protected  TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode[] TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode.children

Methods in org.apache.nutch.util that return TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode
protected  TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode TrieStringMatcher.matchChar(TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode node, String s, int idx)
          Returns the next TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode visited, given that you are at node, and the the next character in the input is the idx'th character of s.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.util with parameters of type TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode
protected  TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode TrieStringMatcher.matchChar(TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode node, String s, int idx)
          Returns the next TrieStringMatcher.TrieNode visited, given that you are at node, and the the next character in the input is the idx'th character of s.

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