Managing Endpoints

The ArangoDB server can listen for incoming requests on multiple endpoints.

The endpoints are normally specified either in ArangoDB's configuration file or on the command-line, using the --server.endpoint. ArangoDB supports different types of endpoints:

  • tcp://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4
  • tcp://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6
  • ssl://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4, SSL encryption
  • ssl://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6, SSL encryption
  • unix:///path/to/socket - Unix domain socket endpoint

If a TCP/IP endpoint is specified without a port number, then the default port (8529) will be used. If multiple endpoints need to be used, the option can be repeated multiple times.

The default endpoint for ArangoDB is tcp:// or tcp://localhost:8529.


unix> ./arangod --server.endpoint tcp://
                --server.endpoint ssl://
                --ssl.keyfile server.pem /tmp/vocbase
2012-07-26T07:07:47Z [8161] INFO using SSL protocol version 'TLSv1'
2012-07-26T07:07:48Z [8161] INFO using endpoint 'ssl://' for http ssl requests
2012-07-26T07:07:48Z [8161] INFO using endpoint 'tcp://' for http tcp requests
2012-07-26T07:07:49Z [8161] INFO ArangoDB (version 1.1.alpha) is ready for business
2012-07-26T07:07:49Z [8161] INFO Have Fun!

TCP Endpoints

Given a hostname:

--server.endpoint tcp://hostname:port

Given an IPv4 address:

--server.endpoint tcp://ipv4-address:port

Given an IPv6 address:

--server.endpoint tcp://[ipv6-address]:port

On one specific ethernet interface each port can only be bound exactly once. You can look up your available interfaces using the ifconfig command on Linux / MacOSX - the Windows equivalent is ipconfig (See Wikipedia for more details). The general names of the interfaces differ on OS's and hardwares they run on. However, typically every host has a so called loopback interface, which is a virtual interface. By convention it always has the address or ::1 (ipv6), and can only be reached from exactly the very same host. Ethernet interfaces usually have names like eth0, wlan0, eth1:17, le0 or a plain text name in Windows.

To find out which services already use ports (so ArangoDB can't bind them anymore), you can use the netstat command (it behaves a little different on each platform, run it with -lnpt on Linux, -p tcp on MacOSX or with -an on windows for valuable information).

ArangoDB can also do a so called broadcast bind using tcp:// This way it will be reachable on all interfaces of the host. This may be useful on development systems that frequently change their network setup like laptops.

ArangoDB can also listen to IPv6 link-local addresses via adding the zone ID to the IPv6 address in the form [ipv6-link-local-address%zone-id]. However, what you probably instead want is to bind to a local IPv6 address. Local IPv6 addresses start with fd. If you only see a fe80: IPv6 address in your interface configuration but no IPv6 address starting with fd your interface has no local IPv6 address assigned. You can read more about IPv6 link-local addresses here.


Bind to a link-local and local IPv6 address.

unix> ifconfig

This command lists all interfaces and assigned ip addresses. The link-local address may be fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6%eth0 (IPv6 address plus interface name). A local IPv6 address may be fd12:3456::789a. To bind ArangoDB to it start arangod with --server.endpoint tcp://[fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6%eth0]:8529. Use telnet to test the connection.

unix> telnet fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6%eth0 8529
Trying fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6...
Connected to my-machine.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: /_db/_system/_admin/aardvark/index.html
Content-Type: text/html
Server: ArangoDB
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 197

<html><head><title>Moved</title></head><body><h1>Moved</h1><p>This page has moved to <a href="/_db/_system/_admin/aardvark/index.html">/_db/_system/_admin/aardvark/index.html</a>.</p></body></html>

Reuse address


If this boolean option is set to true then the socket option SO_REUSEADDR is set on all server endpoints, which is the default. If this option is set to false it is possible that it takes up to a minute after a server has terminated until it is possible for a new server to use the same endpoint again. This is why this is activated by default.

Please note however that under some operating systems this can be a security risk because it might be possible for another process to bind to the same address and port, possibly hijacking network traffic. Under Windows, ArangoDB additionally sets the flag SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE as a measure to alleviate this problem.

Backlog size


Allows to specify the size of the backlog for the listen system call The default value is 10. The maximum value is platform-dependent. Specifying a higher value than defined in the system header's SOMAXCONN may result in a warning on server start. The actual value used by listen may also be silently truncated on some platforms (this happens inside the listen system call).