
Version 3.3

Enterprise Edition

  • Datacenter to Datacenter Replication: Replicate the entire structure and content of an ArangoDB cluster asynchronously to another cluster in a different datacenter with ArangoSync. Multi-datacenter support means you can fallback to a replica of your cluster in case of a disaster in one datacenter.

  • Encrypted Backups: Arangodump can create backups encrypted with a secret key using AES256 block cipher.

All Editions

  • Server-level Replication: In addition to per-database replication, there is now an additional globalApplier. Start the global replication on the slave once and all current and future databases will be replicated from the master to the slave automatically.

  • Asynchronous Failover: Make a single server instance resilient with a second server instance, one as master and the other as asynchronously replicating slave, with automatic failover to the slave if the master goes down.

Also see What's New in 3.3.

Version 3.2

  • RocksDB Storage Engine: You can now use as much data in ArangoDB as you can fit on your disk. Plus, you can enjoy performance boosts on writes by having only document-level locks

  • Pregel: We implemented distributed graph processing with Pregel to discover hidden patterns, identify communities and perform in-depth analytics of large graph data sets.

  • Fault-Tolerant Foxx: The Foxx management internals have been rewritten from the ground up to make sure multi-coordinator cluster setups always keep their services in sync and new coordinators are fully initialized even when all existing coordinators are unavailable.

  • Enterprise: Working with some of our largest customers, we’ve added further security and scalability features to ArangoDB Enterprise like LDAP integration, Encryption at Rest, and the brand new Satellite Collections.

Also see What's New in 3.2.

Version 3.1

  • SmartGraphs: Scale with graphs to a cluster and stay performant. With SmartGraphs you can use the "smartness" of your application layer to shard your graph efficiently to your machines and let traversals run locally.

  • Encryption Control: Choose your level of SSL encryption

  • Auditing: Keep a detailed log of all the important things that happened in ArangoDB.

Also see What's New in 3.1.

Version 3.0

Also see What's New in 3.0.