11.6.  Context Sensitive Menu

Button 2 Click over any selected model element in the main area of the explorer will cause a pop-up menu to appear.

The presence of all these menu entries depends on the selected element(s), and other circumstances. E.g. the "Create ModelElement" submenu is not present on modelelements that are part of a non-editable profile element.

11.6.1.  Create Diagram

This entry on the pop-up menu opens a choice of submenus, one for each diagram type.

The namespace of the new diagram will be based on the selected modelelement.

11.6.2.  Create ModelElement

This entry on the pop-up menu opens a choice of submenus, one for each model element.

The new model element will be composed by the selected modelelement.

Selecting multiple elements leads to different menu items, e.g. selecting 2 classes allows the creation of several kinds of relationships.

11.6.3.  Copy Diagram to Clipboard as Image

This entry on the pop-up menu creates a graphical file, in the default graphical format, and puts it on the clipboard of your PC. The graphics can inmediately be pasted into e.g. a requirements document in OpenOffice.Org.

The graphics format and its resolution are determined by ArgoUML's default setting: Select in the menu Edit, then Settings..., then the tab Environment. The PNG and GIF formats are advised, and the resolution Standard.


Some applications (such as Doors from Telelogic) require the background color of the generated graphics to be adapted (else the image is empty). This can be done with a tool like IrfanView; it is as easy as clicking its paste button, and then its copy button.

11.6.4.  Add to Diagram

This entry on the pop-up menu appears for any model element that could be added to the diagram in the editing pane.

The item can be placed in a diagram by moving the cursor to the editing pane or a spawned editing pane window (where it will appear as a cross) and clicking button 1.


This menu entry only appears as not grayed out, if the diagram in the editor pane allows to contain the model element, and the model element is not present yet in the diagram. ArgoUML will not let you place more than one copy of any particular model element on a diagram.

11.6.5.  Delete From Model

This entry on the pop-up menu appears for any model element that could be deleted from the model.


This deletes the model element from the model completely, not just from the diagram. To remove the model element just from the diagram, use the edit menu (see Section 10.4.2, “ Remove From Diagram ).


You can delete a diagram from the model. Depending on the type of diagram, that might delete all model elements shown on the diagram. To illustrate the differences, consider the following examples:

  • Deleting a class diagram does not delete any model element drawn on it. All model elements that were shown on the diagram remain present in the model. This because a class diagram does not "map" on any model element according the UML standard V1.4.

  • Deleting a statechart diagram also deletes the statemachine it represents, and hence also all the model elements owned by the statemachine. This because a statechart diagram does "map" into a StateMachine according the UML standard V1.4.

11.6.6.  Set Source Path... (To be written)

This entry on the pop-up menu ...

11.6.7.  Add Package

This entry on the pop-up menu is available whenever a model element is selected that may contain a package, e.g. a package. After activating this menu the model element will own a new package.

11.6.8.  New Stereotype

This entry on the pop-up menu is available ... (to be written)

11.6.9.  Add All Classes in Namespace

This entry on the pop-up menu is available for Class Diagrams only. Activating this menu-item will add all classes in the current namespace to the diagram. They will be located at the top left corner -obviously a perfect occasion to use the “Arrange->Layout” function in the menu.