12.10.  Pop-Up Menus

Within the editing pane, button 2 click over a model element will bring up a pop-up menu with a variable number of main entries, many with a sub-menu.

12.10.1.  Critiques

This sub-menu gives list of all the critics that have triggered for this model element. Selection of a menu entry causes that entry to be highlighted in the to-do pane and its detailed explanation to be placed in the ToDoItem tab of the details pane. A solid colored line indicates the offending element.

12.10.2.  Ordering

This menu controls the ordering of overlapping model elements on the diagram. It is equivalent to the Reorder sub-menu of the Arrange menu (see Section 10.7.3, “ Reorder). There are four entries.

  • Forward. The selected model elements are moved one step forward in the ordering hierarchy with respect to other model elements they overlap.

  • Backward. The selected model elements are moved one step back in the ordering hierarchy with respect to other model elements they overlap.

  • To Front. The selected model elements are moved to the front of any other model elements they overlap.

  • To Back. The selected model elements are moved to the back of any other model elements they overlap.

12.10.3.  Add

This sub-menu only appears for model elements that can have notes attached (class, interface, object, state, pseudostate) or have operations or attributes added (class, interface). There are at most three entries.

  • New Attribute. Only appears where the selected model element is a class. Creates a new attribute on the model element.

  • New Operation. Only appears where the selected model element is a class or interface. Creates a new operation on the model element.

  • New Comment. Attaches a new comment to the selected model element.

  • Add All Relations. Only appears where the selected model element is a class or interface. Makes all relations visible that exist in the model and that are connected to the selected model element.

  • Remove all Relations. Only appears where the selected model element is a class or interface. Removes all connected relations from the diagram (without removing them from the model).

12.10.4.  Show

This sub-menu only appears with certain model elements. It is completely context dependent. There are many possible entries, depending on the selected model element and its state.

  • Hide Extension Point Compartment. Only appears when the extension point compartment of a use case is displayed. Hides the compartment.

  • Show Extension Point Compartment. Only appears when the extension point compartment of a use case is hidden. Displays the compartment.

  • Hide All Compartments. Only appears when both attribute and operation compartments are displayed on a class or object. Hides both compartments.

  • Show All Compartments. Only appears when both attribute and operation compartments are hidden on a class or object. Displays both compartments.

  • Hide Attribute Compartment. Only appears when the attribute compartment of a class or object is displayed. Hides the compartment.

  • Show Attribute Compartment. Only appears when the attribute compartment of a class or object is hidden. Displays the compartment.

  • Hide Operation Compartment. Only appears when the operation compartment of a class or object is displayed. Hides the compartment.

  • Show Operation Compartment. Only appears when the operation compartment of a class or object is hidden. Displays the compartment.

  • Hide Enumeration Literal Compartment. Only appears when the enumeration literal compartment of an enumeration is displayed. Hides the compartment.

  • Show Enumeration Literal Compartment. Only appears when the enumeration literal compartment of an enumeration is hidden. Displays the compartment.

  • Show All Edges. Only appears on a class. Displays all associations (to shown model elements) that are not shown yet. This is the same function as the "add to Diagram" on the asociation in the explorer context menu. currently.

  • Hide All Edges. Only appears on a class. Hides all associations. This is the same function as “Remove from Diagram” on all the associations of this class.

  • Hide Stereotype. Only appears when the Stereotype of a package is displayed. Hides the stereotype.

  • Show Stereotype. Only appears when the Stereotype of a package is hidden. Displays the stereotype.

  • Hide Visibility. Only appears when the visibility of a package is displayed. Hides the visibility.

  • Show Visibility. Only appears when the visibility of a package is hidden. Displays the visibility.

12.10.5.  Modifiers

This sub-menu only appears with class, interface, package and use case model elements. It is used to set or clear the values of the various modifiers available.

  • Abstract. Set for an abstract model element.

  • Leaf. Set for a final model element, i.e. one with no sub-model elements.

  • Root. Set for a root model element, i.e. one with no super-model elements.

  • Active. Set for a model element with dynamic behavior.


    This really ought to be set automatically for model elements with state machines or activity diagrams.

12.10.6.  Multiplicity

This sub-menu only appears with association model elements, when clicking at one end of the association. It is used to control the multiplicity at the end of the association nearest the mouse click point. There are only four entries, a sub-set of the range of multiplicities that are available through the property sheet of a association end (see Section 17.6, “ Association End).

  • 1

  • 0..1

  • 1..*

  • 0..*

12.10.7.  Aggregation

This sub-menu only appears with association model elements, when clicking at one end of the association. It is used to control the aggregation at the end of the association nearest the mouse click point. There are three entries.

  • none. Remove any aggregation.

  • aggregate. Make this end a shared aggregation (loosely known as an “aggregation”).

  • composite. Make this end a composite aggregation (loosely known as a “composition”).


UML requires that an end with a composition relationship must have a multiplicity of 1 (the default).

12.10.8.  Navigability

This sub-menu only appears with association model elements, when clicking at one end of the association. It is used to control the navigability of the association. There are three entries.

  • bidirectional. Make the association navigable in both directions.

  • <class1> to <class2>. Make the association navigable only from <class1> to <class2>. In other words <class1> can reference <class2> but not the other way round.

  • <class2> to <class1>. Make the association navigable only from <class2> to <class1>. In other words <class2> can reference <class1> but not the other way round.


UML does permit an association to be non-navigable in both directions. ArgoUML will allow this, but you will have to set each of the association ends navigation property, reached from the property tab of the association - and the diagram does not show any arrows in this case.

This is considered bad design practice (it will trigger a critic in ArgoUML), so is only of theoretical interest.


UML does not permit navigability from an interface to a class. ArgoUML does not prevent this.