Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use ForeignKeyDeleteAction Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access. 

Uses of ForeignKeyDeleteAction in

Fields in declared as ForeignKeyDeleteAction
static ForeignKeyDeleteAction ForeignKeyDeleteAction.ABORT
          When a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted, abort the transaction by throwing a DatabaseException.
static ForeignKeyDeleteAction ForeignKeyDeleteAction.CASCADE
          When a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted, delete the primary database record that references it.
static ForeignKeyDeleteAction ForeignKeyDeleteAction.NULLIFY
          When a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted, set the reference to null in the primary database record that references it, thereby deleting the secondary key.

Methods in that return ForeignKeyDeleteAction
 ForeignKeyDeleteAction SecondaryConfig.getForeignKeyDeleteAction()
          Returns the action taken when a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted.

Methods in with parameters of type ForeignKeyDeleteAction
 void SecondaryConfig.setForeignKeyDeleteAction(ForeignKeyDeleteAction foreignKeyDeleteAction)
          Specifies the action taken when a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.