Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1


Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access.


Interface Summary
ForeignKeyNullifier The interface implemented for setting foreign key references to null.
SecondaryKeyCreator Implemented to create secondary keys for a SecondaryDatabase.

Class Summary
CheckpointConfig Specifies the attributes of an application invoked checkpoint operation.
Cursor A database cursor.
CursorConfig Specify the attributes of database cursor.
Database A database handle.
DatabaseConfig Specify the attributes of a database.
DatabaseEntry Encodes database key and data items as a byte array.
DatabaseStats Statistics for a single database.
Environment A database environment.
EnvironmentConfig Specifies the attributes of an environment.
EnvironmentMutableConfig Specifies the environment attributes that may be changed after the environment has been opened.
EnvironmentStats System wide statistics for a single environment.
ForeignKeyDeleteAction The action taken when a referenced record in the foreign key database is deleted.
JEVersion Berkeley DB Java Edition version information.
JoinConfig The configuration properties of a JoinCursor.
JoinCursor A specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.
LockMode Locking modes for database operations.
LockStats Lock statistics for a single environment.
OperationStatus Status values from database operations.
SecondaryConfig The configuration properties of a SecondaryDatabase extend those of a primary Database.
SecondaryCursor A database cursor for a secondary database.
SecondaryDatabase A secondary database handle.
StatsConfig Specifies the attributes of a statistics retrieval operation.
Transaction An environment transaction.
TransactionConfig Specifies the attributes of a database environment transaction.
TransactionStats Transaction statistics for a single environment.
VerifyConfig Specifies the attributes of a verification operation.

Exception Summary
DatabaseException The root of all database exceptions.
DatabaseNotFoundException Thrown when an operation requires a database and that database does not exist.
DeadlockException Thrown when a transaction is selected to resolve a deadlock.
LockNotGrantedException Thrown when a lock is not granted for a transaction configured for no-wait (non-blocking) operation.
RunRecoveryException Thrown when the database environment needs to be recovered.

Package Description

Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access.

Package Specification

This package constitutes the base public API for Berkeley DB, Java Edition. The classes here are used to create database objects, and insert and retrieve data.

This package provides a key/data pair model of a database record. Databases and database cursors are the key objects used to access data. An alternative collections based API is available through com.sleepycat.collections.

The Environment class embodies the database environment and is the starting point for the application. Databases and transaction objects are created through the Environment class.

Data can be inserted and retrieved directly through the Database object, or through a Cursor obtained from the Database. A database record consist of a key/data pair, where key and data are each individually represented by a DatabaseEntry object. Classes in com.sleepycat.bind provide optional support for mapping a Java object to a DatabaseEntry.

Configuration classes are used to specify the attributes of particular operations. For example the attributes of a database environment are specified in the EnvironmentConfig class. An instance of that class is required for Environment construction. Likewise, the attributes of a database are described in DatabaseConfig, which is a parameter to the Environment.openDatabase() method.

See Also:
[Getting Started Guide]

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.