Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1
Class Database

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Database
extends Object

A database handle. Multiple database handles may access a single data store.

Database attributes are specified in the DatabaseConfig class.

To open an existing database with default attributes:

  Environment env = new Environment(home, null);
  Database myDatabase = env.openDatabase(null, "foo", null);
To create a transactional database that supports duplicates:
  DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
  Database newlyCreateDb = env.openDatabase(txn, "foo", dbConfig);

Method Summary
 void close()
          Flush any cached database information to disk and discard the database handle.
 OperationStatus delete(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 OperationStatus get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 DatabaseConfig getConfig()
          Return this object's configuration.
 String getDatabaseName()
          Return the database name.
 Environment getEnvironment()
          Return the Environment object used to create this Database.
 OperationStatus getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match.
 List getSecondaryDatabases()
          Returns a list of all SecondaryDatabase objects associated with this primary database.
 DatabaseStats getStats(StatsConfig statsConfig)
          Return database statistics.
 JoinCursor join(Cursor[] cursors, JoinConfig config)
          Creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.
 Cursor openCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig cursorConfig)
          Return a cursor into the database.
 void preload(long maxBytes)
          Preload the cache.
 OperationStatus put(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus putNoDupData(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 int truncate(Transaction txn, boolean returnCount)
          Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.
 boolean verify(VerifyConfig config, PrintStream out)
          Verify the integrity of the database.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void close()
           throws DatabaseException
Flush any cached database information to disk and discard the database handle.

The database handle should not be closed while any other handle that refers to it is not yet closed; for example, database handles should not be closed while cursor handles into the database remain open, or transactions that include operations on the database have not yet been committed or aborted. Specifically, this includes Cursor and Transaction handles.

Because key/data pairs are cached in memory, failing to sync the system with Database.close or Environment.sync method may result in inconsistent or lost information.

When multiple threads are using the Database handle concurrently, only a single thread may call the Database.close method.

The database handle may not be accessed again after Database.close is called.

When called on a database that is the primary database for a secondary index, the primary database should be closed only after all secondary indices which reference it have been closed.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public Cursor openCursor(Transaction txn,
                         CursorConfig cursorConfig)
                  throws DatabaseException
Return a cursor into the database.

txn - To use a cursor for writing to a transactional database, an explicit transaction must be specified. For read-only access to a transactional database, the transaction may be null. For a non-transactional database, the transaction must be null.

To transaction-protect cursor operations, cursors must be opened and closed within the context of a transaction, and the txn parameter specifies the transaction context in which the cursor will be used.

cursorConfig - The cursorConfig parameter specifies the cursor attributes; if null, default attributes are used.

A database cursor.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus delete(Transaction txn,
                              DatabaseEntry key)
                       throws DatabaseException
Remove key/data pairs from the database. The key/data pair associated with the specified key is discarded from the database.

The key/data pair is also deleted from any associated secondary databases.

In the presence of duplicate key values, all records associated with the designated key will be discarded.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified, or null may be specified to use auto-commit. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key DatabaseEntry operated on.

The method will return NOTFOUND if the specified key is not found in the database; otherwise the method will return SUCCESS.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus get(Transaction txn,
                           DatabaseEntry key,
                           DatabaseEntry data,
                           LockMode lockMode)
                    throws DatabaseException
Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key. If the matching key has duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is returned. Retrieval of duplicates requires the use of Cursor operations.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified to transaction-protect the operation, or null may be specified to perform the operation without transaction protection. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key used as input. It must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.

data - the data returned as output. Its byte array does not need to be initialized by the caller.

lockMode - the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are used.

NOTFOUND if no matching key/data pair is found; otherwise, SUCCESS.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid parameter was specified.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus getSearchBoth(Transaction txn,
                                     DatabaseEntry key,
                                     DatabaseEntry data,
                                     LockMode lockMode)
                              throws DatabaseException
Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified to transaction-protect the operation, or null may be specified to perform the operation without transaction protection. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key used as input. It must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.

data - the data used as input. It must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.

lockMode - the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are used.

NOTFOUND if no matching key/data pair is found; otherwise, SUCCESS.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid parameter was specified.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus put(Transaction txn,
                           DatabaseEntry key,
                           DatabaseEntry data)
                    throws DatabaseException
Store key/data pairs into the database.

If the key already appears in the database and duplicates are supported, the new data value is inserted at the correct sorted location. If the key already appears in the database and duplicates are not supported, the existing key/data pair will be replaced.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified, or null may be specified to use auto-commit. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key DatabaseEntry operated on.

data - the data DatabaseEntry stored.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn,
                                      DatabaseEntry key,
                                      DatabaseEntry data)
                               throws DatabaseException
Store key/data pairs into the database.

If the key already appears in the database, Database.putNoOverwrite will return KEYEXIST.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified, or null may be specified to use auto-commit. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key DatabaseEntry operated on.

data - the data DatabaseEntry stored.

If the key already appears in the database, Database.putNoOverwrite will return KEYEXIST.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public OperationStatus putNoDupData(Transaction txn,
                                    DatabaseEntry key,
                                    DatabaseEntry data)
                             throws DatabaseException
Store key/data pairs into the database.

If the key/data pair already appears in the database, Database.putNoDupData will return KEYEXIST.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified, or null may be specified to use auto-commit. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

key - the key DatabaseEntry operated on.

data - the data DatabaseEntry stored.

If the key/data pair already appears in the database, Database.putNoDupData will return KEYEXIST.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public JoinCursor join(Cursor[] cursors,
                       JoinConfig config)
                throws DatabaseException
Creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.

Each cursor in the cursors array must have been initialized to refer to the key on which the underlying database should be joined. Typically, this initialization is done by calling Cursor.getSearchKey.

Once the cursors have been passed to this method, they should not be accessed or modified until the newly created join cursor has been closed, or else inconsistent results may be returned. However, the position of the cursors will not be changed by this method or by the methods of the join cursor.

cursors - an array of cursors associated with this primary database.

config - The config parameter specifies the join attributes; if null, default attributes are used.

a specialized cursor that returns the results of the equality join operation.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.
See Also:


public int truncate(Transaction txn,
                    boolean returnCount)
             throws DatabaseException
Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.

txn - For a transactional database, an explicit transaction may be specified, or null may be specified to use auto-commit. For a non-transactional database, null must be specified.

returnCount - whether to count and return the number of records discarded.

The number of records discarded, or -1 if returnCount is false.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public DatabaseStats getStats(StatsConfig statsConfig)
                       throws DatabaseException
Return database statistics.

statsConfig - The statsConfig parameter specifies the statistics returned; if null, default statistics are returned.

Database statistics.

DeadlockException - if the operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public void preload(long maxBytes)
             throws DatabaseException
Preload the cache.

maxBytes - The maximum number of bytes to load. If maxBytes is 0, je.evictor.maxMemory is used.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public boolean verify(VerifyConfig config,
                      PrintStream out)
               throws DatabaseException
Verify the integrity of the database.

This method does not perform any locking, even in database environments configured with a locking subsystem. As such, it should only be used on files that are not being modified by another thread of control.

config - The config parameter specifies the verify operation; if null, the default operation is performed.
out - Verification output goes into this stream.
true if no error was found.

IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid parameter was specified.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public String getDatabaseName()
                       throws DatabaseException
Return the database name.

The database name.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public DatabaseConfig getConfig()
                         throws DatabaseException
Return this object's configuration.

This may differ from the configuration used to open this object if the database existed previously.

This object's configuration.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public Environment getEnvironment()
                           throws DatabaseException
Return the Environment object used to create this Database.

Return the Environment object used to create this Database.

DatabaseException - if a failure occurs.


public List getSecondaryDatabases()
                           throws DatabaseException
Returns a list of all SecondaryDatabase objects associated with this primary database. If no secondaries are associated or this is itself a secondary database, an empty list is returned.

a list of associated SecondaryDatabase objects.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.