Ceph Object Gateway S3 API

Ceph supports a RESTful API that is compatible with the the basic data access model of the Amazon S3 API.

Features Support

The following table describes the support status for current Amazon S3 functional features:

Feature Status Remarks
List Buckets Supported  
Delete Bucket Supported  
Create Bucket Supported Different set of canned ACLs
Bucket Lifecycle Not Supported  
Policy (Buckets, Objects) Not Supported ACLs are supported
Bucket Website Not Supported  
Bucket ACLs (Get, Put) Supported Different set of canned ACLs
Bucket Location Not Supported  
Bucket Notification Not Supported  
Bucket Object Versions Not Supported  
Get Bucket Info (HEAD) Supported  
Bucket Request Payment Not Supported  
Put Object Supported  
Delete Object Supported  
Get Object Supported  
Object ACLs (Get, Put) Supported  
Get Object Info (HEAD) Supported  
POST Object Supported  
Copy Object Supported  
Multipart Uploads Supported (missing Copy Part)

Unsupported Header Fields

The following common request header fields are not supported:

Name Type
x-amz-security-token Request
Server Response
x-amz-delete-marker Response
x-amz-id-2 Response
x-amz-request-id Response
x-amz-version-id Response