Ceph Object Gateway Swift API

Ceph supports a RESTful API that is compatible with the the basic data access model of the Swift API.

Features Support

The following table describes the support status for current Swift functional features:

Feature Status Remarks
Authentication Supported  
Get Account Metadata Supported No custom metadata
Swift ACLs Supported Supports a subset of Swift ACLs
List Containers Supported  
Delete Container Supported  
Create Container Supported  
Get Container Metadata Supported  
Update Container Metadata Supported  
Delete Container Metadata Supported  
List Objects Supported  
Static Website Not Supported  
Create Object Supported  
Create Large Object Supported  
Delete Object Supported  
Get Object Supported  
Copy Object Supported  
Get Object Metadata Supported  
Update Object Metadata Supported  
Expiring Objects Not Supported  
Object Versioning Not Supported  
CORS Not Supported