Object Operations

Put Object

Adds an object to a bucket. You must have write permissions on the bucket to perform this operation.


PUT /{bucket}/{object} HTTP/1.1

Request Headers

Name Description Valid Values Required
content-md5 A base64 encoded MD-5 hash of the message. A string. No defaults or constraints. No
content-type A standard MIME type. Any MIME type. Default: binary/octet-stream No
x-amz-meta-<...> User metadata. Stored with the object. A string up to 8kb. No defaults. No
x-amz-acl A canned ACL. private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read No

Copy Object

To copy an object, use PUT and specify a destination bucket and the object name.


PUT /{dest-bucket}/{dest-object} HTTP/1.1
x-amz-copy-source: {source-bucket}/{source-object}

Request Headers

Name Description Valid Values Required
x-amz-copy-source The source bucket name + object name. {bucket}/{obj} Yes
x-amz-acl A canned ACL. private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read No
x-amz-copy-if-modified-since Copies only if modified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
x-amz-copy-if-unmodified-since Copies only if unmodified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
x-amz-copy-if-match Copies only if object ETag matches ETag. Entity Tag No
x-amz-copy-if-none-match Copies only if object ETag doesn’t match. Entity Tag No

Response Entities

Name Type Description
CopyObjectResult Container A container for the response elements.
LastModified Date The last modified date of the source object.
Etag String The ETag of the new object.

Remove Object

Removes an object. Requires WRITE permission set on the containing bucket.


DELETE /{bucket}/{object} HTTP/1.1

Get Object

Retrieves an object from a bucket within RADOS.


GET /{bucket}/{object} HTTP/1.1

Request Headers

Name Description Valid Values Required
range The range of the object to retrieve. Range: bytes=beginbyte-endbyte No
if-modified-since Gets only if modified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
if-unmodified-since Gets only if not modified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
if-match Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. Entity Tag No
if-none-match Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. Entity Tag No

Response Headers

Name Description
Content-Range Data range, will only be returned if the range header field was specified in the request

Get Object Info

Returns information about object. This request will return the same header information as with the Get Object request, but will include the metadata only, not the object data payload.


HEAD /{bucket}/{object} HTTP/1.1

Request Headers

Name Description Valid Values Required
range The range of the object to retrieve. Range: bytes=beginbyte-endbyte No
if-modified-since Gets only if modified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
if-unmodified-since Gets only if not modified since the timestamp. Timestamp No
if-match Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. Entity Tag No
if-none-match Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. Entity Tag No

Get Object ACL


GET /{bucket}/{object}?acl HTTP/1.1

Response Entities

Name Type Description
AccessControlPolicy Container A container for the response.
AccessControlList Container A container for the ACL information.
Owner Container A container for the object owner’s ID and DisplayName.
ID String The object owner’s ID.
DisplayName String The object owner’s display name.
Grant Container A container for Grantee and Permission.
Grantee Container A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission.
Permission String The permission given to the Grantee object.

Set Object ACL


PUT /{bucket}/{object}?acl

Request Entities

Name Type Description
AccessControlPolicy Container A container for the response.
AccessControlList Container A container for the ACL information.
Owner Container A container for the object owner’s ID and DisplayName.
ID String The object owner’s ID.
DisplayName String The object owner’s display name.
Grant Container A container for Grantee and Permission.
Grantee Container A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission.
Permission String The permission given to the Grantee object.

Initiate Multi-part Upload

Initiate a multi-part upload process.


POST /{bucket}/{object}?uploads

Request Headers

Name Description Valid Values Required
content-md5 A base64 encoded MD-5 hash of the message. A string. No defaults or constraints. No
content-type A standard MIME type. Any MIME type. Default: binary/octet-stream No
x-amz-meta-<...> User metadata. Stored with the object. A string up to 8kb. No defaults. No
x-amz-acl A canned ACL. private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read No

Response Entities

Name Type Description
InitiatedMultipartUploadsResult Container A container for the results.
Bucket String The bucket that will receive the object contents.
Key String The key specified by the key request parameter (if any).
UploadId String The ID specified by the upload-id request parameter identifying the multipart upload (if any).

Multipart Upload Part


PUT /{bucket}/{object}?partNumber=&uploadId= HTTP/1.1

HTTP Response

The following HTTP response may be returned:

HTTP Status Status Code Description
404 NoSuchUpload Specified upload-id does not match any initiated upload on this object

List Multipart Upload Parts


GET /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId=123 HTTP/1.1

Response Entities

Name Type Description
InitiatedMultipartUploadsResult Container A container for the results.
Bucket String The bucket that will receive the object contents.
Key String The key specified by the key request parameter (if any).
UploadId String The ID specified by the upload-id request parameter identifying the multipart upload (if any).
Initiator Container Contains the ID and DisplayName of the user who initiated the upload.
ID String The initiator’s ID.
DisplayName String The initiator’s display name.
Owner Container A container for the ID and DisplayName of the user who owns the uploaded object.
StorageClass String The method used to store the resulting object. STANDARD or REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
PartNumberMarker String The part marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true. Precedes the list.
NextPartNumberMarker String The next part marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true. The end of the list.
MaxParts Integer The max parts allowed in the response as specified by the max-parts request parameter.
IsTruncated Boolean If true, only a subset of the object’s upload contents were returned.
Part Container A container for Key, Part, InitiatorOwner, StorageClass, and Initiated elements.
PartNumber Integer The identification number of the part.
ETag String The part’s entity tag.
Size Integer The size of the uploaded part.

Complete Multipart Upload

Assembles uploaded parts and creates a new object, thereby completing a multipart upload.


POST /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId= HTTP/1.1

Request Entities

Name Type Description Required
CompleteMultipartUpload Container A container consisting of one or more parts. Yes
Part Container A container for the PartNumber and ETag. Yes
PartNumber Integer The identifier of the part. Yes
ETag String The part’s entity tag. Yes

Response Entities

Name Type Description
CompleteMultipartUploadResult Container A container for the response.
Location URI The resource identifier (path) of the new object.
Bucket String The name of the bucket that contains the new object.
Key String The object’s key.
ETag String The entity tag of the new object.

Abort Multipart Upload


DELETE /{bucket}/{object}?uploadId= HTTP/1.1