IndexDevelopment info

Development: Open issues

This section of the documentation comprehends a variety of topics. It is mainly intended as a repository of notes, tips, issues and documentation concerning parts of Cherokee that are currently under development -or are full developed- but are not yet included for mainstream usage.

As these features get properly integrated into the Cherokee infrastructure, the notes regarding the subject should be moved to their specific section of the docmentation.

For now, this document mantains a list of currently open issues. It mostly is useful to list things of the Cherokee Project that are known to be half-baked, and as such are only of interest for developers.

FastCGI Handler

There are two handlers currently implementing the FastCGI protocol: "fcgi" and "fastcgi".

The "fastcgi" module also implements the FastCGI protocol. It is a more complete implementation than "fcgi" although it is also more complex. Actually, fcgi became the standard choice because the PHP interpreter is kind of buggy when it has to demultiplex multiple requests from the same socket. As such, it is the only one supported by Cherokee-Admin.

The "fastcgi" handler will eventually become the default option because it is faster and more standard-compliant. However, at the moment "fcgi" is a better option.

Reverse Proxy

The reverse proxy has been one of the most demanded features and is under heavy development. It is currently released as a standard handler, so check out the HTTP reverse proxy handler documentation.

Configuration Wizards

Another interesting feature -not yet reflected in the repository- is a project aimed at providing configuration wizards as an easy way to deploy a set of standard applications. The idea is to select an application from the list and let the wizard configure Cherokee to be able to run one such application -say Wordpress, for instance-.

Even though the obtained configuration will most probably not be perfect, it will always be a good starting point to play with for further tuning.

AND, OR and NOT rule types

These rule types are fully implemented, but the feature is not yet supported in Cherokee Admin. Some GUI issues remain to be solved, as the things achievable by these rules are at the same time very powerful and very complex. This is said in the sense that one can combine them with so much flexibility that dealing with it from the GUI could get really messy.

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